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CSAS Publications Search Results

722 file(s) found.

Research Documents (1977+)

Number  Region(s)  Title  Author(s)/Contact(s)  
1979/003 Newfoundland & Labrador
The stock composition of Atlantic salmon off west Greenland and in the Labrador Sea in 1978 and a comparison to other years
Reddin, D.G.
Burfitt, R.F.
Lear, W.H.
1979/006 Newfoundland & Labrador
Refinement of the estimation of catch of North American and European origin salmon at West Greenland
Reddin, D.G.
1979/026 Newfoundland & Labrador
Evidence for the underestimation of the proportion of North American salmon in the West Greenland feeding aggregate
Fairbairn, D.J.
1980/008 Newfoundland & Labrador
Change in weight of Atlantic salmon from the West Greenland to home waters fisheries
Reddin, D.G.
1980/009 Newfoundland & Labrador
Change in weight of Atlantic salmon at West Greenland and its relationship to numbers of fish caught per tonne
Reddin, D.G.
1980/011 Newfoundland & Labrador
Gear selectivity and escapement mortality of Atlantic salmon in drift nets at West Greenland
Doubleday, W.G.
Reddin, D.G.
1981/002 Newfoundland & Labrador
Salmon-capelin interactions
Reddin, D.G.
Carscadden, J.E.
1981/003 Newfoundland & Labrador
An analysis of the implications of alternative mesh sizes for gillnets and opening dates for the commercial salmon fishing season at West Greenland
Doubleday, W.G.
Reddin, D.G.
1981/016 Newfoundland & Labrador
A stock-recruitment relationship for Atlantic salmon in Western Arm Brook
Chadwick, E.M.P.
1981/028 Newfoundland & Labrador
Proportion of North American and European Atlantic salmon off west Greenland in 1980
Reddin, D.G.
Burfitt, R.F.
1981/029 Newfoundland & Labrador
Length, weight, sex and age characteristics of Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar) of North American and European origin caught at West Greenland in 1979
Reddin, D.G.
Burfitt, R.F.
1981/030 Newfoundland & Labrador
Conversion of weights of Atlantic salmon with viscera-removed and heads-on to round weight at West Greenland
Reddin, D.G.
1981/033 Newfoundland & Labrador
Separation of North River, Cape Breton Island Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar L.) stocks in a mixed stock fishery using multivariate analysis techniques
Reddin, D.G.
Misra, R.K.
1981/076 Maritimes
Production studies as a focus for assessing juvenile Atlantic salmon populations
Randall, R.G.
1982/003 Maritimes
Interception in Nova Scotian coastal waters of Nova Scotia salmon returning to home rivers
Marshall, T.L.
1982/008 Maritimes
A method to estimate potential 2-SW salmon harvest in Fishery Statistical Districts 1, 2, 3, and 7 of Cape Breton Island, Nova Scotia
Marshall, T.L.
1982/023 Newfoundland & Labrador
Salmon-Capelin interactions here today gone tomorrow
Carscadden, J.E.
Reddin, D.G.
1982/051 Gulf
Prediction of 2-SW and older Atlantic salmon returning to the Millbank trap, Miramichi River, New Brunswick
Marshall, T.L.
Peppar, J.L.
Schofield, E.J.
1983/009 Newfoundland & Labrador
Summary of catch and effort statistics in the recreational and commercial Labrador Atlantic Salmon, Salmo salar, fishery, 1982
Dempson, J.B.
Furey, G.
1983/015 Newfoundland & Labrador
Egg depositions in some Newfoundland rivers
O'Connell, M.F.
Reddin, D.G.
1983/021 Gulf
Assessment of the Miramichi River salmon stock in 1982
Randall, R.G.
Chadwick, E.M.P.
1983/022 Maritimes
Estimates of potential harvest of 2-SW salmon in Fishery Statistical Districts 1, 2, 3, & 7 of Cape Breton Island, Nova Scotia, 1983
Marshall, T.L.
1983/030 Gulf
Assessment of the Restigouche River salmon stock in 1982
Chadwick, E.M.P.
Randall, R.G.
1983/052 Gulf
Influence of variations in freshwater growth on yield of Atlantic Salmon
Chadwick, E.M.P.
Evans, G.T.
1983/066 Maritimes
Spawning and river escapement requirements for Atlantic salmon of the Saint John River, New Brunswick
Marshall, T.L.
Penney, G.H.
1983/071 Newfoundland & Labrador
Conversion factors for Newfoundland-Labrador commercial Atlantic salmon fishery statistics
Reddin, D.G.
1983/074 Maritimes
Aerial photographic measurement of Atlantic salmon habitat of the Miramichi River, New Brunswick
Amiro, P.G.
1983/078 Gulf
An efficiency estimate on the Millbank estuarial sampling trap, Miramichi River, New Brunswick, 1973
Turner, G.E.
1983/080 Newfoundland & Labrador
Status of Atlantic salmon stocks in Newfoundland and Labrador, 1983
O'Connell, M.F.
Dempson, J.B.
Reddin, D.G.
Ash, E.G.M.
1983/083 Gulf
Biological assessment of Atlantic salmon in the Miramichi River, N.B., 1983
Randall, R.G.
Schofield, E.J.
1983/084 Gulf
Prediction of 1 SW Atlantic salmon returns statistical area N, 1984
Chadwick, E.M.P.
1983/087 Newfoundland & Labrador
Assessment of Altantic salmon stocks in statistical areas K and L, western Newfoundland, 1982
Porter, T.R.
Chadwick, E.M.P.
1983/088 Gulf
Biological assessment of Atlantic salmon in the Restigouche River, 1983
Randall, R.G.
Pickard, P.R.
1984/002 Gulf
Assessment of the Nepisiguit River salmon stock in 1983
Lutzac, T.G.
1984/007 Newfoundland & Labrador
An assessment of Atlantic salmon stocks in Deadman's Brook, Anchor Brook, Tides Brook and Main River (Sop's Arm, Newfoundland)
O'Connell, M.F.
Gibson, R.J.
Ash, E.G.M.
1984/016 Gulf
Number of salmon required for spawning in the Restigouche River, N.B.
Randall, R.G.
1984/019 Newfoundland & Labrador
Assessment of Atlantic salmon stocks in statistical areas K and L, western Newfoundland, 1983
Peppar, J.L.
1984/036 Gulf
Assessment of Margaree River salmon stocks in 1983
Gray, R.W.
Chadwick, E.M.P.
1984/039 Newfoundland & Labrador
Relationship between West Greenland and Canadian 1-sea-winter salmon catches
Reddin, D.G.
1984/040 Maritimes
Assessment of the status of the Atlantic salmon stocks of the LaHave River, Nova Scotia
Cutting, R.E.
Gray, R.W.
1984/047 Maritimes
Status of Saint John River, N.B. Atlantic salmon in 1983 and forecast of returns in 1984
Penney, G.H.
Marshall, T.L.
1984/053 Maritimes
Summary tables of recreational and commercial Atlantic salmon harvests of the Scotia-Fundy Region, 1967-1983
Cutting, R.E.
1984/084 Maritimes
Status of Saint John River, N.B., Atlantic salmon in 1984 and forecast of returns in 1985
Marshall, T.L.
1984/085 Maritimes
Harvest at selected sport camps as an index of river escapement on Restigouche River
Chadwick, E.M.P.
Léger, C.
Brazeau-Carrier, D.
1984/086 Maritimes
Relationships between egg deposition, survival and the production of 0+ Atlantic salmon parr in Maritime Rivers
Jessop, B.M.
1984/089 Maritimes
Stream gradients and Atlantic salmon parr densities
Amiro, P.G.
1984/095 Maritimes
Tobique River discharge as an index of the percentage of 1-SW salmon which smoltified at age 2 and returned to Mactaquac
Marshall, T.L.
1985/001 Gulf
Status of Atlantic salmon in the Restigouche River, 1984
Randall, R.G.
Chadwick, E.M.P.
Pickard, P.R.
1985/002 Gulf
Status of Atlantic salmon in the Miramichi River, 1984
Randall, R.G.
Chadwick, E.M.P.
Schofield, E.J.
1985/014 Newfoundland & Labrador
Comparison of Arctic charr and Atlantic salmon catches in 114 and 127 mm mesh gill nets during the 1984 fishery at Makkovik and Bay of Islands, Labrador
Black, G.A.P.
Dempson, J.B.
LeDrew, L.J.
1985/026 Newfoundland & Labrador
Status of Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar L.) stocks of the Newfoundland Region, 1984
O'Connell, M.F.
Dempson, J.B.
Reddin, D.G.
Ash, E.G.M.
1985/041 Gulf
Forecast of 1SW Atlantic salmon returns Statistical Area N, 1985
Chadwick, E.M.P.
Peppar, J.L.
1985/053 Maritimes
Status of the Atlantic salmon of the LaHave River, Nova Scotia, in 1984 and forecast of returns in 1985
Cutting, R.E.
Jefferson, E.M.
1985/068 Gulf
Spawning potential and spawning requirements of Atlantic salmon in the Miramichi River, New Brunswick
Randall, R.G.
1985/086 Newfoundland & Labrador
Status of Atlantic salmon stocks in Statistical Areas K and L, western Newfoundland, 1984
Peppar, J.L.
Mullins, C.C.
1985/101 Gulf
Assessment of the Nepisiguit River salmon stock in 1984
Lutzac, T.G.
1985/103 Gulf
Assessment of Atlantic salmon, Salmo salar, in the Margaree River, Nova Scotia, 1985
Claytor, R.R.
Chadwick, E.M.P.
1985/104 Maritimes
Status of Saint John River, N.B., Atlantic salmon in 1985 and forecast of returns in 1986
Marshall, T.L.
1985/110 Maritimes
Correlations between MSW Salmon and 1SW grilse the previous year in the Fisheries Statistical Districts, fishways and Salmon Management Zones of the Scotia-Fundy region
Amiro, P.G.
Cutting, R.E.
Ingram, J.H.
McNeil, A.J.
1986/001 Gulf
Status of Atlantic salmon in the Restigouche River, 1985
Randall, R.G.
Chadwick, E.M.P.
Pickard, P.R.
1986/002 Gulf
Status of Atlantic salmon in the Miramichi River, 1985
Randall, R.G.
Chadwick, E.M.P.
Shofield, E.J.
1986/006 Newfoundland & Labrador
Assessment of the Atlantic salmon stock of Conne River, Newfoundland
Porter, T.R.
1986/017 Maritimes
Status of the Atlantic salmon of the LaHave River, Nova Scotia, in 1985 and forecast of returns in 1986
Cutting, R.E.
Jefferson, E.M.
1986/022 Maritimes
Estimated spawning requirements and indices of stock status of Atlantic salmon in the St. Mary's River, Nova Scotia
Marshall, T.L.
1986/023 Newfoundland & Labrador
Status of Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar L.) stocks of the Newfoundland Region, 1985
O'Connell, M.F.
Dempson, J.B.
Reddin, D.G.
Ash, E.G.M.
1986/032 Maritimes
Status of juvenile Atlantic salmon stocks of the Stewiacke River in 1984 and forecasts of recruits to fisheries in 1986 and 1987
Amiro, P.G.
McNeill, A.J.
1986/085 Newfoundland & Labrador
Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar L.) egg deposition potential and annual smolt production for three river systems characterized by lacustrine habitat in insular Newfoundland
O'Connell, M.F.
1986/093 Gulf
Assessment of Atlantic salmon, Salmo salar, in the Margaree River, Nova Scotia, 1986
Claytor, R.R.
Léger, C.
1986/108 Newfoundland & Labrador
Results of tagging adult salmon in Conne River estuary
Reddin, D.G.
Short, P.B.
Furey, G.
1986/110 Newfoundland & Labrador
Assessment of the Atlantic salmon population of Conne River, Newfoundland, 1986
Porter, T.R.
O'Connell, M.F.
Ash, E.G.M.
Furey, G.
1986/111 Newfoundland & Labrador
Overview of lacustrine stocking experiments with swim-up and fall-fingerling Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar) in Newfoundland
Pepper, V.A.
1987/004 Newfoundland & Labrador
Status of Atlantic salmon stocks, Gulf Region, Newfoundland and Labrador, 1986
Peppar, J.L.
Mullins, C.C.
1987/005 Gulf
Status of Atlantic salmon in the Miramichi River, 1986
Randall, R.G.
Schofield, E.J.
1987/006 Gulf
Status of Atlantic salmon in the Restigouche River, 1986
Randall, R.G.
Landry, G.
Madden, A.
Pickard, P.R.
1987/038 Newfoundland & Labrador
Status of Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar L.) stocks of the Newfoundland Region, 1986
O'Connell, M.F.
LeDrew, L.J.
Reddin, D.G.
Ash, E.G.M.
1987/055 Maritimes
Assessment of Atlantic salmon of the Saint John River, N.B., 1986
Marshall, T.L.
1987/058 Maritimes
Similarities in annual recruitment for Atlantic salmon to sport fisheries of inner Bay of Fundy rivers and stock forecasts for 1987
Amiro, P.G.
1987/100 Maritimes
Black salmon fishery and repeat spawning salmon of the Saint John River, N.B.
Marshall, T.L.
MacPhail, D.K.
1987/102 Quebec
Evaluation de l'importance de la montaison du saumon atlantique (Salmo salar) pour la région 01 en 1987 et prédiction pour 1988  
Landry, G.
1987/104 Newfoundland & Labrador
Assessment of the Atlantic salmon population of Conne River, Newfoundland, 1987
Dempson, J.B.
Porter, T.R.
Furey, G.
1987/105 Maritimes
Assessment of Atlantic salmon, (Salmo salar), in the Margaree River, 1987
Claytor, R.R.
Chaput, G.J.
Lutzac, T.G.
1987/106 Maritimes
Status of the Atlantic salmon of the LaHave River, Nova Scotia, in 1986 and forecast of returns in 1987
Cutting, R.E.
Jefferson, E.M.
O'Neil, S.F.
1988/001 Gulf
Status of Atlantic salmon stocks, Gulf Region, Newfoundland and Labrador, 1987
Claytor, R.R.
Mullins, C.C.
1988/010 Newfoundland & Labrador
Status of Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar L.) stocks of the Newfoundland Region, 1987
O'Connell, M.F.
Dempson, J.B.
Ash, E.G.M.
Cochrane, N.M.
1988/030 Newfoundland & Labrador
Results of tagging adult salmon in Conne River estuary
Reddin, D.G.
Short, P.B.
1988/041 Gulf
Status of Altantic salmon in the Restigouche River, 1987
Randall, R.G.
Landry, G.
Madden, A.
Pickard, P.R.
1988/049 Gulf
Status of Atlantic salmon in the Miramichi River, 1987
Randall, R.G.
Schofield, E.J.
1988/058 Maritimes
Assessment of Atlantic salmon of the Saint John River, N.B., 1987
Marshall, T.L.
1988/059 Maritimes
Status of Atlantic salmon stocks of Scotia-Fundy region, 1987
Marshall, T.L.
O'Neil, S.F.
Cutting, R.E.
Amiro, P.G.
1988/070 Newfoundland & Labrador
Status of the Atlantic salmon, Salmo salar, population of Conne River, Newfoundland, 1988
Dempson, J.B.
1988/075 Gulf
Assessment of Atlantic salmon, (Salmo salar), in the Margaree River, 1988
Claytor, R.R.
Chaput, G.J.
1989/002 Gulf
Status of Atlantic salmon stocks, Gulf Region, Newfoundland and Labrador, 1988
Claytor, R.R.
Mullins, C.C.
1989/024 Newfoundland & Labrador
Status of Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar L.) stocks of the Newfoundland Region, 1988
O'Connell, M.F.
Dempson, J.B.
Ash, E.G.M.
Cochrane, N.M.
1989/033 Gulf
Biological assessment of Atlantic salmon in the Restigouche River, 1988
Randall, R.G.
Landry, G.
Madden, A.
Pickard, P.R.
1989/068 Maritimes
Status of the Atlantic salmon stocks of Scotia-Fundy Region, 1988
Amiro, P.G.
O'Neil, S.F.
Cutting, R.E.
Marshall, T.L.
1989/073 Gulf
Biological assessment of Atlantic salmon in the Miramichi River, 1988
Randall, R.G.
Pickard, P.R.
Moore, D.
1989/075 Gulf
An analysis of 1SW to MSW salmon returns in Gulf of St. Lawrence rivers in relation to the 1984-1988 Salmon Management Plan
Chadwick, E.M.P.
1989/076 Newfoundland & Labrador
Assessment of the Atlantic salmon population of Conne River, Newfoundland, in 1989
Dempson, J.B.
1989/077 Maritimes
Assessment of Atlantic salmon of the Saint John River, N.B., 1988
Marshall, T.L.
1989/080 Maritimes
Status of Atlantic salmon stocks of Scotia-Fundy Region, 1989
O'Neil, S.F.
Marshall, T.L.
Amiro, P.G.
Cutting, R.E.
1990/002 Gulf
Status of Atlantic salmon in the Restigouche River in 1989
Randall, R.G.
Landry, G.
Madden, A.
Pickard, P.R.
1990/003 Maritimes
Status of Atlantic salmon of Grand River, Richmond Co., NS., 1988
Amiro, P.G.
Longard, D.A.
1990/004 Gulf
Status of Atlantic salmon in the Miramichi River during 1989
Randall, R.G.
Moore, D.M.
Pickard, P.R.
1990/006 Maritimes
Status of Atlantic salmon of the Stewiacke River, 1989
Amiro, P.G.
1990/016 Gulf
Status of Atlantic salmon stocks, Area K, Gulf Region, Newfoundland 1989
Claytor, R.R.
Mullins, C.C.
1990/021 Newfoundland & Labrador
Summary of catch statistics by sub-area and assessment unit for the northern Labrador Arctic charr and Atlantic salmon fisheries in 1989
Dempson, J.B.
Shears, M.
1990/022 Newfoundland & Labrador
Status of Atlantic salmon stocks, Gulf Region, Newfoundland and Labrador, 1989
Claytor, R.R.
Mullins, C.C.
1990/024 Gulf
Interpreting Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar) angling statistics on the Margaree River, Nova Scotia
Claytor, R.R.
O'Neil, S.F.
1990/027 Gulf
Assessment of Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar), in the Margaree River, 1989
Claytor, R.R.
Jones, R.A.
1990/035 Newfoundland & Labrador
Evaluation of the impacts of the Atlantic Salmon Management Plan (1984-88) in the Newfoundland Region
O'Connell, M.F.
Dempson, J.B.
Reddin, D.G.
1990/041 Maritimes
Recruitment variation in Atlantic salmon stocks of the inner Bay of Fundy
Amiro, P.G.
1990/043 Newfoundland & Labrador
Status of Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar L.) stocks of the Newfoundland Region, 1989
O'Connell, M.F.
Dempson, J.B.
Ash, E.G.M.
Cochrane, N.M.
1990/045 Gulf
Effect of the 1984-1988 Management Plan on harvest and spawning levels of Atlantic salmon in the Restigouche and Miramichi rivers, New Brunswick
Randall, R.G.
1990/069 Newfoundland & Labrador
Counts of 1SW and MSW salmon returns as an index of marine survival
Shelton, P.A.
Dempson, J.B.
Chadwick, E.M.P.
1990/077 Gulf
Newfoundland & Labrador
Collected papers on fish habitat with emphasis on salmonids
1990/079 Maritimes
Assessment of Atlantic salmon of the Saint John River, N.B., above Mactaquac, 1989
Marshall, T.L.
1990/083 Newfoundland & Labrador
Assessment of the Atlantic salmon population of Conne River, Newfoundland, in 1990
Dempson, J.B.
1990/084 Maritimes
Model development for predicting multi-sea-winter Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar L.) returns to Saint John River, New Brunswick
Ritter, J.A.
Marshall, T.L.
Boudreau, P.R.
1990/085 Maritimes
Estimates of harvest and exploitation rates for Saint John River Atlantic salmon in homewater and distant fisheries
Marshall, T.L.
1990/089 Quebec
Bilan préliminaire de l'exploitation du saumon au Québec en 1990  
Caron, F.
Shields, M.
1990/090 Quebec
Situation du saumon de la rivière de la Trinité en 1990  
Caron, F.
1991/003 Gulf
Assessment of Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar) in the Margaree River, Nova Scotia 1990
Chaput, G.
Jones, R.A.
1991/005 Maritimes
Status of Atlantic salmon stocks of Scotia-Fundy Region, 1990
Amiro, P.G.
Cutting, R.E.
Jessop, B.M.
Marshall, T.L.
O'Neil, S.F.
1991/008 Gulf
Status of Atlantic salmon in the Miramichi River during 1990
Moore, D.S.
Courtenay, S.C.
Pickard, P.R.
1991/009 Newfoundland & Labrador
Improving the performance of classification and composition methodology for salmon of mixed continental origin at West Greenland
Millar, R.B.
Reddin, D.G.
1991/010 Newfoundland & Labrador
Status of Atlantic salmon stocks, Gulf Region, Newfoundland and Labrador, 1990
Mullins, C.C.
Jones, R.A.
1991/013 Gulf
Status of Atlantic salmon in the Restigouche River in 1990
Courtenay, S.C.
Landry, G.
Madden, A.
Pickard, P.R.
1991/014 Gulf
The status of the Atlantic salmon stock of Humber River/Bay of Islands, Newfoundland
Chaput, G.
Mullins, C.C.
1991/015 Gulf
Forecasting preseason and inseason Atlantic salmon returns to the Miramichi River: Parametric and non-parametric approaches
Claytor, R.R.
Randall, R.G.
Chaput, G.J.
1991/016 Newfoundland & Labrador
Status of Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar L.) stocks of the Newfoundland Region, 1990
O'Connell, M.F.
Dempson, J.B.
Ash, E.G.M.
Cochrane, N.M.
1991/017 Newfoundland & Labrador
Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar L.) target spawning requirements for selected rivers in Salmon Fishing Area 5 (Bonavista Bay), Newfoundland
O'Connell, M.F.
Dempson, J.B.
1991/018 Newfoundland & Labrador
Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar L.) target spawning requirements for rivers in Notre Dame Bay (SFA 4), St. Mary's Bay (SFA 9), and Placentia Bay (SFA 10), Newfoundland
O'Connell, M.F.
Dempson, J.B.
1991/019 Newfoundland & Labrador
Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar L.) smolt production parameter values for fluvial and lacustrine habitats in Insular Newfoundland
O'Connell, M.F.
Dempson, J.B.
Gibson, R.J.
1991/020 Newfoundland & Labrador
Status of Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar L.) in Gandeer River, Notre Dame Bay (SFA 4), Newfoundland, 1989-1990
O'Connell, M.F.
Ash, E.G.M.
1991/022 Maritimes
Forecasts of MSW salmon returns to the Saint John River using non-parametric and parametric models
Harvie, C.J.
Amiro, P.G.
1991/030 Newfoundland & Labrador
Summary of catch statistics by sub-area and assessment unit for the northern Labrador Arctic charr and Atlantic salmon fisheries in 1990
Dempson, J.B.
Shears, M.
1991/056 Maritimes
Assessment of Atlantic salmon of the Saint John River, N.B. above Mactaquac, 1990
Marshall, T.L.
1991/073 Gulf
Evaluating spawning requirements, returns, escapements and surpluses to conservation levels of Atlantic salmon for selected Gulf Nova Scotia rivers
Chaput, G.
Jones, R.A.
1992/001 Gulf
Estimating and incorporating parameter uncertainty when returns of Atlantic salmon are derived from angling catches
Chaput, G.
1992/002 Newfoundland & Labrador
Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar L.) target spawning requirements for the Exploits River and status of the stock 1960-1991
Bourgeois, C.E.
Murray, J.
1992/003 Newfoundland & Labrador
Summary of catch statistics by sub-area and assessment unit for the northern Labrador Arctic charr and Atlantic salmon fisheries in 1991
Dempson, J.B.
Shears, M.
1992/004 Newfoundland & Labrador
Status of the Atlantic salmon population of Conne River, Newfoundland, in 1991
Dempson, J.B.
1992/005 Newfoundland & Labrador
Interannual variation in fecundity of Atlantic salmon from Conne River, Newfoundland
Dempson, J.P.
O'Connell, M.F.
1992/008 Newfoundland & Labrador
Methods for in-season evaluation of salmon abundance, Newfoundland Region, 1991
Dempson, J.B.
Reddin, D.G.
O'Connell, M.F.
Porter, T.R.
1992/010 Newfoundland & Labrador
Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar L.) target spawning requirement and status of the Rocky River stock 1983-1991
Bourgeois, C.E.
Davis, J.P.
O'Brien, J.
1992/013 Gulf
Surpluses to salmon spawning requirements in Gulf N.B. rivers
Courtenay, S.C.
Moore, D.
Pickard, P.R.
1992/014 Gulf
Status of Atlantic salmon in the Restigouche River in 1991
Courtenay, S.C.
Pickard, P.R.
Landry, G.
Madden, A.
Nielsen, G.A.
1992/016 Maritimes
Perfunctory estimates of allowable harvests of Atlantic salmon in 18 rivers of Scotia-Fundy Region
Marshall, T.L.
Amiro, P.G.
Ritter, J.A.
Jessop, B.M.
Cutting, R.E.
O'Neil, S.F.
1992/017 Maritimes
Review of Atlantic salmon stocks of inner Bay of Fundy rivers, 1991
Amiro, P.G.
1992/021 Maritimes
Status of Atlantic salmon stocks of Scotia-Fundy Region, 1991
Amiro, P.G.
Cutting, R.E.
Jessop, B.M.
Marshall, T.L.
O'Neil, S.F.
1992/022 Newfoundland & Labrador
Status of Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar L.) stocks of the Newfoundland Region, 1991
O'Connell, M.F.
Dempson, J.B.
Porter, T.R.
Reddin, D.G.
Ash, E.G.M.
Cochrane, N.M.
1992/023 Newfoundland & Labrador
Status of Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar L.) in selected rivers with counting facilities in the Newfoundland Region
O'Connell, M.F.
Dempson, J.B.
1992/025 Newfoundland & Labrador
Status of Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar L.) in Gander River, Notre Dame Bay (SFA 4), Newfoundland, 1989-91
O'Connell, M.F.
Ash, E.G.M.
1992/026 Gulf
National Capital Region
Assessment of Atlantic salmon in the Margaree River, Nova Scotia, 1991
Chaput, G.
Jones, R.A.
Forsythe, L.
1992/028 Gulf
The status of the Atlantic salmon stock of Humber River/Bay of Islands, Newfoundland, 1991
Chaput, G.
Mullins, C.C.
1992/032 Newfoundland & Labrador
Effects of changing fishing mortality on Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar L.) egg deposition in Gander River
Porter, T.R.
O'Connell, M.F.
1992/038 Gulf
Status of Atlantic salmon in the Miramichi River in 1991
Moore, D.S.
Courtenay, S.C.
Claytor, R.R.
Pickard, P.R.
1992/040 Gulf
An update on the biological characteristics and status of Atlantic salmon in the Morell River, Prince Edward Island
Davidson, K.G.
Bielak, A.T.
1992/074 Maritimes
Assessment of Atlantic salmon of the Saint John River, N.B., above Mactaquac, 1991
Marshall, T.L.
1992/078 Newfoundland & Labrador
The status of Atlantic salmon stocks in Gulf Region, western Newfoundland and southern Labrador, 1991
Mullins, C.C.
Jones, R.A.
1992/122 Newfoundland & Labrador
Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar L.) egg-to-smolt survival in Newfoundland rivers
O'Connell, M.F.
Dempson, J.B.
Gibson, R.J.
1992/123 Newfoundland & Labrador
Stock-recruit relationships for Atlantic salmon from Western Arm Brook, Newfoundland
Chaput, G.
Mullins, C.C.
Chadwick, E.M.P.
1992/124 Gulf
Stock-recruit relationship for multi-sea-winter salmon from the Margaree River, N.S.
Chaput, G.
Jones, R.A.
1992/125 Quebec
Relation entre le nombre d'oeufs déposés et la production de saumonneaux dans les rivières de la Trinité et Bec-Scie
Caron, F.
1993/003 Newfoundland & Labrador
Evaluation of the status of the Atlantic salmon population of Conne River, Newfoundland, in 1992
Dempson, J.B.
1993/005 Newfoundland & Labrador
Summary of catch statistics for the northern Labrador Arctic charr and Atlantic salmon fisheries in 1992
Dempson, J.B.
1993/011 Newfoundland & Labrador
Impacts of the 1992 Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar L.) commercial fishery moratorium - Newfoundland Region
Dempson, J.B.
O'Connell, M.F.
1993/013 Maritimes
Status of Atlantic salmon stocks of Scotia-Fundy Region, 1992
Amiro, P.G.
Cutting, R.E.
Marshall, T.L.
O'Neil, S.F.
1993/014 Gulf
Assessment of Atlantic salmon in the Margaree River, Nova Scotia, 1992
Chaput, G.
Jones, R.A.
Forsythe, L.
LeBlanc, P.H.
1993/026 Gulf
Juvenile Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar) densities and egg deposition in the Restigouche and Miramichi rivers, New Brunswick
Locke, A.
Courtenay, S.C.
Chaput, G.
1993/027 Gulf
Status of Atlantic salmon in the Restigouche River in 1992
Locke, A.
Pickard, P.R.
Landry, G.
Madden, A.
1993/028 Gulf
Status of Atlantic salmon stocks in Salmon Fishing areas 15, 16, 17 and 18
Locke, A.
Jones, R.A.
Pickard, P.R.
Atkinson, G.
Davidson, K.G.
1993/029 Newfoundland & Labrador
Status of Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar L.) in selected rivers with counting facilities in the Newfoundland Region, 1992
O'Connell, M.F.
1993/030 Newfoundland & Labrador
Status of Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar L.) in Gander River, Notre Dame Bay (SFA 4), Newfoundland, 1992
O'Connell, M.F.
Ash, E.G.M.
1993/031 Maritimes
Evaluation of the precision of catch data in the Nova Scotia Atlantic salmon catch-effort card system and feasibility of a New Brunswick application
O'Neil, S.F.
Harvie, C.J.
1993/033 Newfoundland & Labrador
The status of Atlantic salmon stocks in Gulf of St. Lawrence, western Newfoundland and southern Labrador, 1992
Mullins, C.C.
Jones, R.A.
1993/034 Newfoundland & Labrador
The status of the Atlantic salmon stock of Humber River/Bay of Islands, Newfoundland, 1992
Mullins, C.C.
Chaput, G.
1993/037 Newfoundland & Labrador
Status of Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar L.) stocks of the Newfoundland Region, 1992
O'Connell, M.F.
Dempson, J.B.
Reddin, D.G.
Ash, E.G.M.
Cochrane, N.M.
1993/046 Maritimes
New estimates of commercial harvest and by-catch of Saint John River Atlantic salmon, 1981-1983
Marshall, T.L.
1993/047 Newfoundland & Labrador
Status of the Exploits and Rocky River stocks of Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar L.) in 1992
Bourgeois, C.E.
Murray, J.
Davis, J.P.
O'Brien, J.
1993/056 Gulf
Status of Atlantic salmon in the Miramichi River in 1992
Courtenay, S.C.
Moore, D.S.
Pickard, P.R.
Nielsen, G.A.
1993/065 Maritimes
Assessment of Atlantic salmon of the Saint John River, N.B., above Mactaquac, 1992
Marshall, T.L.
1994/001 Gulf
The effects of late season angling on gamete viability and early fry survival in Atlantic salmon
Davidson, K.G.
Hayward, J.
Hambrook, M.
Bielak, A.T.
Sheasgreen, J.
1994/002 Gulf
Status of Atlantic salmon in the Richibucto River, New Brunswick in 1992, 1993
Atkinson, G.
Claytor, R.R.
1994/003 Gulf
Status of Atlantic salmon in the Nepisiguit River, New Brunswick in 1982-1993
Locke, A.
Mowbray, F.K.
Claytor, R.R.
1994/004 Gulf
An update on the status of salmonid resources in the Morell, Valleyfield, Dunk, West, and Mills rivers -Prince Edward Island
Davidson, K.G.
Angus, R.
1994/005 Gulf
Status of Atlantic salmon in the Tabusintac River in 1993
Atkinson, G.
Claytor, R.R.
1994/006 Gulf
Assessment of the Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar) stock of the Margaree River, Nova Scotia, 1993
Chaput, G.
Jones, R.A.
Forsythe, L.
LeBlanc, P.H.
1994/008 Gulf
Mainland Gulf Nova Scotia Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar) stock status
Chaput, G.
Jones, R.A.
1994/012 Newfoundland & Labrador
Status of the Atlantic salmon population of Conne River, SFA 11, Newfoundland, in 1993
Dempson, J.B.
Furey, G.
Pennell, C.
1994/013 Newfoundland & Labrador
Population sizes of juvenile Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar L.) in lakes of the experimental ponds areas as a measure of stock recovery in the Gander River, Newfoundland
Ryan, P.M.
Knoechel, R.
O'Connell, M.F.
1994/014 Newfoundland & Labrador
Analysis of Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar) smolt condition and marine survival; information from two south coast Newfoundland rivers
Dempson, J.B.
O'Connell, M.F.
Stansbury, D.E.
1994/015 Gulf
Status of Atlantic salmon in the Buctouche River in 1993
Atkinson, G.
Claytor, R.R.
1994/016 Gulf
Status of Atlantic salmon in the Restigouche River in 1993
Claytor, R.R.
Pickard, P.R.
Locke, A.
Mowbray, F.K.
Landry, G.
Madden, A.
1994/019 Maritimes
Assessment of Atlantic salmon of the Saint John River above Mactaquac and of the Nashwaak River, N.B., 1993
Marshall, T.L.
Cameron, J.D.
1994/020 Gulf
Stock status of Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar) in the Miramichi River, 1993
Chaput, G.
Moore, D.
Biron, M.
Claytor, R.R.
1994/022 Maritimes
Status of Atlantic salmon stocks of Scotia-Fundy Region, 1993
Cutting, R.E.
Marshall, T.L.
O'Neil, S.F.
Amiro, P.G.
1994/049 Newfoundland & Labrador
Status of Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar L.) stocks of SFAs 1-11, Newfoundland Region, 1993
O'Connell, M.F.
Dempson, J.B.
Reddin, D.G.
Ash, E.G.M.
Cochrane, N.M.
1994/050 Newfoundland & Labrador
Status of Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar L.) in Gander River, Notre Dame Bay (SFA 4), Newfoundland, 1993
O'Connell, M.F.
Ash, E.G.M.
1994/051 Newfoundland & Labrador
Status of Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar L.) in Middle Brook and Terra Nova River (SFA 5), Biscay Bay River (SFA 9), and Northeast River, Placentia (SFA 10) in 1993
O'Connell, M.F.
1994/072 Newfoundland & Labrador
Status of the Little River stock of Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar L.) in 1993
Bourgeois, C.E.
Davis, J.P.
O'Brien, J.
1994/073 Newfoundland & Labrador
Status of the Exploits River stock of Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar L.) in 1993
Bourgeois, C.E.
Murray, J.
Mercer, V.L.
1994/074 Newfoundland & Labrador
Status of the Rocky River stock of Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar L.) in 1993
Bourgeois, C.E.
Davis, J.P.
O'Brien, J.
1994/078 Newfoundland & Labrador
The status of the Atlantic salmon stock of Lapoile River, Newfoundland, 1993
Mullins, C.C.
Lowe, S.L.
Caines, D.
1994/083 Newfoundland & Labrador
The status of Atlantic salmon stocks in Gulf of St. Lawrence, western Newfoundland and southern Labrador, 1993
Mullins, C.C.
Caines, D.
1994/086 Newfoundland & Labrador
Status of Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar L.) in Campbellton River, Notre Dame Bay (SFA 4), Newfoundland in 1993
Reddin, D.G.
Downton, P.R.
1994/089 Newfoundland & Labrador
Status of Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar L.) in the Highlands River, St. George's Bay (SFA 13), Newfoundland, 1993
Gibson, R.J.
King, J.P.
Hillier, K.G.
1995/004 Gulf
Angling catch and effort for Atlantic salmon in the Miramichi River and southeastern New Brunswick (SFA 16) from 1969 to 1994 (55 p.)
Moore, D.S.
Dubee, B.
Hooper, B.
Biron, M.
1995/012 Gulf
Status of Atlantic salmon in the Tabusintac River in 1994 (35 p.)
Atkinson, G.
Hooper, W.
1995/013 Gulf
Status of Atlantic salmon in the Richibucto River in 1994 (24 p.)
Atkinson, G.
Hooper, W.
LeBlanc, J.
Cormier, G.
1995/014 Gulf
Status of Atlantic salmon in the Boutouche River in 1994 (35 p.)
Atkinson, G.
Pettigrew, T.
LeBlanc, J.
Cormier, G.
1995/015 Gulf
Mainland Gulf Nova Scotia Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar) stock status, 1994 (33 p.)
Claytor, R.R.
Jones, R.A.
LeBlanc, P.H.
Chaput, G.
1995/063 Gulf
Assessment of the Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar) stock of the Margaree River, Nova Scotia, 1994 (71 p.)
Claytor, R.R.
Jones, R.A.
LeBlanc, P.H.
Forsythe, L.
Chaput, G.
1995/077 Newfoundland & Labrador
Evaluation of Atlantic salmon stock status: Conne River, SFA 11, Newfoundland, 1994 (44 p.)
Dempson, J.B.
Reddin, D.G.
Furey, G.
Pennell, C.
1995/078 Newfoundland & Labrador
Factors affecting the returns of adult Atlantic salmon, Salmo salar, with emphasis on Conne River (27 p.)
Dempson, J.B.
Reddin, D.G.
1995/081 Maritimes
Status of Atlantic salmon in Salmon Fishing Area 22, for 1994, with emphasis on inner Bay of Fundy stocks (21 p.)
Amiro, P.G.
Longard, D.A.
1995/082 Maritimes
Status of Atlantic Salmon stocks in Salmon Fishing Area 19, eastern Cape Breton Island, 1994 (35 p.).
Amiro, P.G.
Longard, D.A.
1995/084 Newfoundland & Labrador
The status of Atlantic salmon stock of Humber River/Bay of Islands, Newfoundland 1993 (53 p.)
Mullins, C.C.
Chaput, G.
1995/087 Gulf
Status of Atlantic salmon in Salmon Fishing Area 15, Gulf Region, New Brunswick, 1994 (44 p.)
Locke, A.
Pickard, P.R.
Mowbray, F.K.
Madden, A.
Cameron, P.
1995/095 Newfoundland & Labrador
Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar L.) stock recovery in the Gander River, Newfoundland with projections to 1999 (16 p.)
Ryan, P.M.
Knoechel, R.
O'Connell, M.F.
Ash, E.G.M.
1995/097 Newfoundland & Labrador
Assessment of Atlantic salmon population Sand Hill River, Labrador, 1995 (29 p.)
Reddin, D.G.
Short, P.B.
O'Connell, M.F.
Walsh, A.D.
1995/100 Gulf
Status of Atlantic salmon in the Morell, Mill, Dunk, West, and Valleyfield rivers, Prince Edward Island, in 1994 (28 p.)
Cairns, D.K.
Davidson, K.G.
Angus, R.
1995/105 Newfoundland & Labrador
Status of the Rocky and Little River Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar L.) stocks in 1994 (15 p.)
Bourgeois, C.E.
Davis, J.P.
1995/106 Newfoundland & Labrador
Status of the Flat Bay River stock of Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar L.) in 1994 (6 p.)
Bourgeois, C.E.
Murray, J.
1995/115 Newfoundland & Labrador
The status of the Atlantic salmon stock of Humber River/Bay of Islands, Newfoundland, 1994 (59 p.)
Mullins, C.C.
Reddin, D.G.
1995/116 Newfoundland & Labrador
Status of the Atlantic salmon stock on Forteau River, 1994 (36 p.)
Lowe, S.L.
Mullins, C.C.
1995/122 Gulf
Status of Atlantic salmon in the Restigouche River in 1994 (62 p.)
Locke, A.
Pickard, P.R.
Mowbray, F.K.
Landry, G.
Madden, A.
1995/123 Newfoundland & Labrador
Status of Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar L.) in Gander River, Notre Dame Bay (SFA 4), Newfoundland, 1994 (25 p.)
O'Connell, M.F.
Reddin, D.G.
Ash, E.G.M.
1995/124 Newfoundland & Labrador
Status of Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar L.) in eight rivers in the Newfoundland Region, 1994 (49 p.)
O'Connell, M.F.
Reddin, D.G.
Mullins, C.C.
1995/125 Newfoundland & Labrador
Status of Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar L.) stocks of the Newfoundland Region, 1994 (118 p.)
O'Connell, M.F.
Dempson, J.B.
Mullins, C.C.
Reddin, D.G.
Cochrane, N.M.
Caines, D.
1995/129 Maritimes
Status of Atlantic salmon stocks of the Saint John River and southwest New Brunswick, 1994 (52 p.)
Marshall, T.L.
Cameron, J.D.
1995/130 Gulf
Status of Atlantic salmon in the Nepisiguit River, New Brunswick, 1994 (52 p.)
Locke, A.
Mowbray, F.K.
Claytor, R.R.
1995/131 Gulf
Stock status of Atlantic salmon (salmo salar) in the Miramichi River, 1994 (77 p.)
Chaput, G.
Biron, M.
Moore, D.
Dube, B.
Hambrook, M.
Hooper, B.
1995/132 Maritimes
Estimates of Atlantic stock status on the Eastern Shore of Nova Scotia, Salmon Fishing Area 20 in 1994 (36 p.)
O'Neil, S.F.
Harvie, C.J.
1996/039 Newfoundland & Labrador
The status of Atlantic Salmon (Salmo salar L.) in the Highlands River, St. George's Bay (SFA 13), Newfoundland, 1995 (p.36)
Gibson, R.J.
Hillier, K.G.
Whalen, R.R.
1996/040 Maritimes
Status of Atlantic salmon stocks of the Saint John River and southwest New Brunswick, 1995 (p.50)
Marshall, T.L.
Jones, R.A.
1996/043 Maritimes
Status of Atlantic salmon in the Boutouche River in 1995 (p.20)
Atkinson, G.
Chaput, G.
1996/047 Newfoundland & Labrador
Ratio of adults to experimental ponds area juveniles in a prediction of Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar L.) returns to the Gander River, Newfoundland in 1996
Ryan, P.M.
Knoechel, R.
O'Connell, M.F.
Ash, E.G.M.
1996/048 Newfoundland & Labrador
Stock status of Atlantic salmon from Conne River, SFA 11, Newfoundland, 1995 (p.31)
Dempson, J.B.
Furey, G.
1996/068 Newfoundland & Labrador
The status of the Atlantic salmon stock on Harry's River/Pinchgut Brook, Newfoundland, 1995 (p.28)
Mullins, C.C.
Caines, D.
Downer, D.F.
Lowe, S.L.
1996/073 Newfoundland & Labrador
Northern Labrador Arctic charr and Atlantic salmon: catch and effort update for 1995 (p.28)
Shears, M.
Dempson, J.B.
1996/078 Maritimes
Hydrological conditions for Atlantic salmon rivers in the Maritime provinces in 1995 (p.30)
Caissie, D.
1996/082 Newfoundland & Labrador
Atlantic salmon stock status for Sand Hill River, Labrador, 1995 (p.32)
Reddin, D.G.
Short, P.B.
O'Connell, M.F.
Walsh, A.D.
1996/084 Maritimes
Status of Atlantic salmon in Salmon Fishing Area 15, New Brunswick, 1995 (p.29)
Locke, A.
Mobray, F.
Pickard, P.R.
Madden, A.
1996/086 Newfoundland & Labrador
Status of Atlantic salmon (salmo salar L.) in eleven rivers of Bay St. George (SFA 13) Newfoundland, 1994 (p.71)
Reddin, D.G.
Mullins, C.C.
1996/087 Newfoundland & Labrador
Status of the Atlantic salmon stock of the Forteau River, Labrador 1995 (p.31)
Lowe, S.L.
Mullins, C.C.
1996/088 Newfoundland & Labrador
Status of five enhanced Atlantic salmon (salmo salar L.) stocks of the Newfoundland Region in 1995 (p.23)
Bourgeois, C.E.
Davis, J.P.
Murray, J.
Mercer, V.L.
1996/089 Newfoundland & Labrador
Status of the Exploits River stock of Atlantic salmon (salmo salar L.) in 1995 (p.27)
Bourgeois, C.E.
Murray, J.
Mercer, V.L.
1996/106 Newfoundland & Labrador
Status of Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar L.) in eight rivers in the Newfoundland Region, 1995 (p.52)
O'Connell, M.F.
Reddin, D.G.
Mullins, C.C.
1996/107 Newfoundland & Labrador
Status of Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar L.) in Gander River, Notre Dame Bay (SFA 4), Newfoundland, 1995 (p.22)
O'Connell, M.F.
Reddin, D.G.
Ash, E.G.M.
1996/108 Newfoundland & Labrador
Status of Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar L.) stocks of the Newfoundland region, 1995 (p.107)
O'Connell, M.F.
Dempson, J.B.
Mullins, C.C.
Reddin, D.G.
Cochrane, N.M.
Caines, D.
1996/117 Maritimes
A discussion document on the implications of catch- and -release angling for Atlantic salmon, with particular reference to water temperature-related river closures (p.17)
Bielak, A.T.
1996/120 Maritimes
Status of Atlantic salmon in the Morell, Mill, Dunk, West and Valleyfield rivers, Prince Edward Island, in 1995 (p.33)
Cairns, D.K.
Angus, R.
Murray, M.
Davidson, K.G.
1996/122 Maritimes
Status of Atlantic salmon in the Restigouche River in 1995 (p.41)
Locke, A.
Pickard, P.R.
Mowbray, F.K.
Landry, G.
Madden, A.
D'Amours, P.
1996/124 Maritimes
Stock status of Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar) in the Miramichi River, 1995 (p.85)
Chaput, G.
Biron, M.
Moore, D.
Dube, B.
Ginnish, C.
Hambrook, M.
Paul, T.
Scott, B.
1996/126 Maritimes
Status of Atlantic salmon in Salmon Fishing Area 21, in 1995, with emphasis on the upper LaHave River, Lunenburg Co., Nova Scotia (p.52)
Amiro, P.G.
Jefferson, E.M.
Harvie, C.J.
1996/127 Maritimes
Status of Atlantic salmon in Northumberland Strait, Nova Scotia rivers in 1995 (p.45)
O'Neil, S.F.
Longard, D.A.
Harvie, C.J.
1996/129 Maritimes
Status of Atlantic salmon in the Nepisiguit River, New Brunswick, 1995 (p.85)
Locke, A.
Mowbray, F.K.
1996/134 Maritimes
Status of Atlantic salmon in Salmon Fishing Areas 22 and 23 for 1995, with emphasis on inner Bay of Fundy stocks (p.36)
Amiro, P.G.
Jefferson, E.M.
1996/137 Maritimes
Marine environmental conditions in the northwest Atlantic during 1995 potentially impacting Atlantic salmon
Drinkwater, K.F.
1996/139 Newfoundland & Labrador
The status of Atlantic salmon stock of the Humber River, Newfoundland, 1995 (p.51)
Mullins, C.C.
Reddin, D.G.
1996/140 Maritimes
Indices of marine habitat for Atlantic salmon (Salmon salar) and trends in survival of hatchery-origin smolts (p.18)
Harvie, C.J.
Amiro, P.G.
1996/142 Maritimes
Status of Atlantic Salmon Stocks of the Margaree and other selected rivers of Cape Breton Island, 1995
Marshall, T.L.
1997/003 Newfoundland & Labrador
Ratio of adults to experimental ponds area juveniles in a stock assessment of Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar L.) in the Gander River, Newfoundland with a projection of Adult Returns in 1997.
Ryan, P.M.
Knoechel, R.
O'Connell, M.F.
Ash, E.G.M.
1997/017 Maritimes
Status of Atlantic salmon in the Nepisiguit and Jacquet rivers, New Brunswick, in 1996.
Locke, A.
Mobray, F.
Madden, A.
1997/018 Maritimes
Status of Atlantic salmon in the Restigouche River in 1996.
Locke, A.
Pickard, P.R.
Mowbray, F.K.
Landry, G.
Madden, A.
Leblanc, E.
1997/019 Maritimes
Status of Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar) in the Buctouche River in 1996
Atkinson, G.
Peters, J.
LeBlanc, V.
Cormier, G.
Maillet, M.J.
1997/020 Maritimes
Stock status of Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar) in the Miramichi River, 1996.
Chaput, G.
Moore, D.
Hayward, J.
Dube, B.
Hambrook, M.
1997/021 Maritimes
Status of Atlantic salmon on Prince Edward Island in 1996.
Cairns, D.K.
1997/022 Maritimes
Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar L.) stock status on rivers in the Northumberland Strait, Nova Scotia area, in 1996.
O'Neil, S.F.
Longard, D.A.
Harvie, C.J.
1997/023 Maritimes
Status of Atlantic salmon stocks in selected rivers of Cape Breton Island.
Marshall, T.L.
Forsythe, L.
Jones, R.A.
LeBlanc, P.H.
Rutherford, K.A.
1997/024 Maritimes
Stock status of Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar L.) on the eastern shore of Nova Scotia, Salmon Fishing Area 20, in 1996.
O'Neil, S.F.
Harvie, C.J.
Longard, D.A.
1997/025 Maritimes
Status of Atlantic salmon in Salmon Fishing Area 21, in 1996, with emphasis on the upper LaHave River, Lunenburg Co., Nova Scotia.
Amiro, P.G.
Jefferson, E.G.
1997/026 Maritimes
Status of Atlantic salmon in Salmon Fishing Area 22 and 23 for 1996, with emphasis on inner Bay of Fundy stocks.
Amiro, P.G.
Jefferson, E.G.
1997/027 Maritimes
Status of Atlantic salmon stocks of southwest New Brunswick, 1996.
Marshall, T.L.
Jones, R.A.
Pettigrew, T.
1997/028 Maritimes
The Atlantic region acid rain monitoring program in acidified Atlantic salmon rivers: trends and present status.
Watt, W.
1997/032 National Capital Region
Status of the Exploits River stock of Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar L.) in 1996.
Bourgeois, C.E.
Murray, J.
Mercer, V.L.
1997/033 Newfoundland & Labrador
Status of three enhanced Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar L.) stocks of the Newfoundland Region in 1996.
Bourgeois, C.E.
Davis, J.P.
Murray, J.
Mercer, V.L.
1997/034 Newfoundland & Labrador
Stock status of Atlantic salmon from Conne River, SFA 11, Newfoundland, 1996.
Dempson, J.B.
Furey, G.
1997/035 Newfoundland & Labrador
Status of Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar L.) in Campbellton River, Notre Dame Bay (SFA 4), Newfoundland in 1996.
Reddin, D.G.
Downton, P.R.
1997/037 Newfoundland & Labrador
The status of the Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar L.) stock of the Humber River, Newfoundland, 1996.
Mullins, C.C.
1997/038 Newfoundland & Labrador
The status of the Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar L.) stock of three selected rivers in SFA 14A, Newfoundland, 1996.
Mullins, C.C.
1997/040 Newfoundland & Labrador
Status of Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar L.) in Middle Brook and Terra Nova River (SFA 5), Biscay Bay River (SFA 9), and Northeast River, Placentia (SFA 10), Newfoundland, 1996.
O'Connell, M.F.
Reddin, D.G.
1997/041 Newfoundland & Labrador
Status of Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar L.) in Gander River, Notre Dame Bay (SFA 4), Newfoundland, 1996.
O'Connell, M.F.
Reddin, D.G.
Ash, E.G.M.
1997/042 Newfoundland & Labrador
Status of Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar L.) stocks of the Newfoundland Region, 1996.
O'Connell, M.F.
Dempson, J.B.
Mullins, C.C.
Reddin, D.G.
Cochrane, N.M.
Caines, D.
1997/043 Newfoundland & Labrador
Stock status of Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar L.) in Crabbes, Robinsons and Middle Barachois Rivers, Bay St. George, Newfoundland, 1996.
Porter, T.R.
1997/044 Maritimes
Hydrological conditions for Atlantic salmon rivers in the Maritime provinces in 1996.
Caissie, D.
1997/045 Pacific
Babine Lake sockeye salmon: stock status and forecasts for 1998.
Wood, C.C.
Rutherford, D.T.
Bailey, D.
Jakubowski, M.
1997/052 Maritimes
Marine environmental conditions in the Northwest Atlantic during 1996 potentially impacting Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar).
Drinkwater, K.F.
Pettipas, R.G.
Petrie, L.
1997/079 Newfoundland & Labrador
Evaluation of age-specific and length specific estimates of juvenile Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar L.) abundance in the Experimental Ponds Area as predictors of adult returns to the Gander River.
Knoechel, R.
Ryan, P.M.
O'Connell, M.F.
1997/091 Newfoundland & Labrador
Northern Labrador Arctic charr and Atlantic salmon: catch and effort update for 1996.
Shears, M.
Dempson, J.B.
1997/092 Newfoundland & Labrador
Status of Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar L.) stock of Harry's River / Pinchgut Brook, Newfoundland, 1996.
Mullins, C.C.
Caines, D.
FitzGerald, J.L.
1997/093 Newfoundland & Labrador
Follicular atresia in Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar L.) in Newfoundland rivers.
O'Connell, M.F.
Dempson, J.B.
1997/094 Newfoundland & Labrador
Inter-annual and inter-river variability in fecundity in Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar L.) in Newfoundland region rivers.
O'Connell, M.F.
Dempson, J.B.
Reddin, D.G.
1997/100 Maritimes
Estimates of conservation spawner requirements for Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar L.) for Canada.
O'Connell, M.F.
Reddin, D.G.
Amiro, P.G.
Caron, F.
Marshall, T.L.
Chaput, G.
Mullins, C.C.
Locke, A.
O'Neil, S.F.
Cairns, D.K.
1997/117 National Capital Region
Trends in Atlantic salmon abundance illustrated using a scaled index of returns, and estimates of marine exploitation prior to the closure of the Newfoundland commercial fishery.
Dempson, J.B.
Reddin, D.G.
Mullins, M.F.
Bourgeois, C.E.
1997/118 Maritimes
Stock status of Atlantic salmon on the Eastern Shore of Nova Scotia, Salmon Fishing Area 20, 1995.
O'Neil, S.F.
1997/138 Pacific
A biological assessment of the coho salmon of the Skeena River, British Columbia, and recommendations for fisheries in 1998.
Holtby, B.
Finnegan, B.
1998/028 Newfoundland & Labrador
Status of Atlantic Salmon in Conne River, SFA 11, Newfoundland, 1997.
Dempson, J.B.
Furey, G.
Bloom, M.
1998/030 Newfoundland & Labrador
Status of Atlantic salmon stocks of southwest New Brunswick, 1996.
Marshall, T.L.
Harvie, C.J.
Jones, R.A.
1998/031 Maritimes
Status of Atlantic salmon stocks in selected rivers of Cape Breton Island.
Marshall, T.L.
LeBlanc, P.H.
Rutherford, K.A.
Jones, R.A.
1998/032 Maritimes
Update of the status of Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar) in the Richibucto River in 1997.
Atkinson, G.
Cormier, G.
1998/033 Maritimes
Status of Atlantic salmon in Bouctouche River in 1997.
Atkinson, G.
LeBlanc, V.
1998/034 Maritimes
Stock status of Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar) in the Miramichi River, 1997.
Chaput, G.
Moore, D.
Hayward, J.
Ginnish, C.
Dube, B.
1998/037 Maritimes
Stock status of Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar L.) on the eastern shore of Nova Scotia, Salmon Fishing Area 20, in 1997.
O'Neil, S.F.
Harvie, C.J.
Longard, D.A.
1998/039 Maritimes
Status of Atlantic salmon in Salmon Fishing Area 21, in 1997, with emphasis on the upper LaHave River, Lunenburg Co., Nova Scotia.
Amiro, P.G.
Jefferson, E.M.
1998/042 Maritimes
Status of Atlantic salmon in Restigouche River in 1997.
Locke, A.
1998/043 Maritimes
Nepisiguit and Jacquet River salmon for 1997.
Locke, A.
1998/044 Pacific
Run size forecasts for Fraser River sockeye salmon in 1998.
Cass, A.
1998/045 Maritimes
Recruitment of the North American stock of Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar) relative to annual indices of smolt production and winter habitat in the northwest Atlantic.
Amiro, P.G.
1998/046 Maritimes
Analyses of trends in returns of Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar) to rivers in Nova Scotia and Bay of Fundy, New Brunswick, and status of 1997 returns relative to forecasts.
Amiro, P.G.
Harvie, C.J.
O'Neil, S.F.
Marshall, T.L.
1998/057 Maritimes
Area of ice over the Newfounland Shelf as a variable to reduce the variance of inseason forecasts of Atlantic salmon at Morgan Falls, LaHave River.
Harvie, C.J.
Amiro, P.G.
1998/062 Maritimes
Estimates of wild Atlantic salmon smolt production in Gold and Medway Rivers derived from concurrent abundance and survival of wild and hatchery smolts in LaHave River, 1996.
Amiro, P.G.
1998/084 Maritimes
The abundance of seals in the North Atlantic and recruitment of the North American stock of Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar).
Amiro, P.G.
1998/085 Maritimes
Logistic fates of Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar) at sea.
Amiro, P.G.
O'Neil, S.F.
1998/090 Pacific
Decrease in percentage of wild chinook salmon entering the Strait of Georgia in 1996
Zhang, Z.
Beamish, R.J.
Riddell, B.E.
1998/091 Pacific
Rivers Inlet Sockeye Salmon: Stock Status Update.
Rutherford, D.T.
Wood, C.C.
McKinnell, S.
1998/092 Pacific
A risk assessment for Thompson River coho salmon.
Bradford, M.J.
1998/093 Pacific
Estimating the percentage of hatchery-reared juvenile coho salmon in the Strait of Georgia in 1997.
Beamish, R.J.
Sweeting, R.
Zhang, Z.
1998/099 Newfoundland & Labrador
To what extent does catch and release contribute to mortality in Atlantic salmon.
Dempson, J.B.
Reddin, D.G.
O'Connell, M.F.
1998/100 Newfoundland & Labrador
Northern Labrador Arctic charr and Atlantic salmon: catch and effort update for 1997.
Shears, M.
Dempson, J.B.
1998/103 Newfoundland & Labrador
Status of Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar L.) in Campbelton River, Notre Dame Bay (SFA 4), Newfoundland in 1997.
Downton, P.R.
Reddin, D.G.
1998/104 Newfoundland & Labrador
Status of the Exploits River stock of Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar L.) in 1997.
Bourgeois, C.E.
Murray, J.
Mercer, V.L.
1998/105 Newfoundland & Labrador
The status of the Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar L.) stock of three selected rivers in SFA 14A, Newfoundland, 1997.
Mullins, C.C.
1998/106 Newfoundland & Labrador
Status of the Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar L.) stock of Humber River, Newfoundland, 1997.
Mullins, C.C.
Caines, D.
1998/107 Newfoundland & Labrador
Status of Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar L.) stocks of insular Newfoundland (SFAs 3-14A), 1997.
O'Connell, M.F.
Dempson, J.B.
Mullins, C.C.
Reddin, D.G.
Cochrane, N.M.
Caines, D.
1998/108 Newfoundland & Labrador
Status of Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar L.) in Indian Bay Brook, Middle Brook, and Terra Nova River (SFA 5), Northeast Brook, Trepassey (SFA 9), and Northeast River, Placentia (SFA 10), Newfoundland, 1997.
O'Connell, M.F.
Ash, E.G.M.
Walsh, A.D.
1998/109 Newfoundland & Labrador
Status of Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar L.) in Gander River, Notre Dame Bay (SFA 4), Newfoundland, 1997.
O'Connell, M.F.
Ash, E.G.M.
Walsh, A.D.
1998/112 Newfoundland & Labrador
Stock status of Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar L.) in Crabbes, Robinsons and Middle Barachois Rivers, Bay St. George, Newfoundland, 1997.
Porter, T.R.
Bourgeois, C.E.
1998/113 Newfoundland & Labrador
Status of Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar L.) in Highlands River, Bay St. George (SFA 13), Newfoundland in 1997
Reddin, D.G.
Whalen, R.R.
1998/114 Newfoundland & Labrador
Spatial and temporal variation in Atlantic salmon abundance in the Newfoundland-Labrador region with emphasis on factors that may have contributed to low returns in 1997.
Dempson, J.B.
Reddin, D.G.
O'Connell, M.F.
Helbig, J.
Bourgeois, C.E.
Mullins, C.C.
Porter, T.R.
Lilly, G.R.
Carscadden, J.E.
Stenson, G.B.
Kulka, D.W.
1998/116 Newfoundland & Labrador
Status of Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar L.) stock of Pinware River, Labrador, 1997
Mullins, C.C.
Caines, D.
1998/117 Newfoundland & Labrador
Status of Rocky and Little rivers Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar L.) stocks of the Newfoundland Region in 1997
Bourgeois, C.E.
Murray, J.
Mercer, V.L.
1998/118 Newfoundland & Labrador
Status of the Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar L.) stocks in Labrador, 1997
Reddin, D.G.
Mullins, C.C.
O'Connell, M.F.
Cochrane, N.M.
1998/119 Newfoundland & Labrador
Status of the Atlantic Salmon (Salmo salar L.) in Big Brook (Michaels River), Labrador, 1997.
Reddin, D.G.
Short, P.B.
1998/120 Maritimes
Marine environmental conditions in the Northwest Atlantic during 1997 potentially impacting Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar).
Drinkwater, K.F.
1998/122 Newfoundland & Labrador
Observations of temporal and spatial variability in density and relative condition factor of Juvenile Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar L.) in the Harry's River drainage system, insular Newfoundland, from 1987-1997.
Knoechel, R.
FitzGerald, J.L.
Mullins, C.C.
1998/126 Newfoundland & Labrador
Juvenile Atlantic salmon (Salmo Salar L.) abundance in the Experimental Ponds Area relative to adult returns to the Gander River as an index of marine survival: evidence for increased marine mortality in 1997.
Knoechel, R.
Ryan, P.M.
O'Connell, M.F.
1998/147 Maritimes
The analysis of 1997 small salmon returns to Newfoundland rivers using distributional testing.
Power, M.J.
1998/151 Maritimes
The salmon farming industry in the Maritimes Provinces
Chang, B.D.
1998/152 Maritimes
A description of the salmon aquaculture industry in Maine
Baum, E.
1998/153 Maritimes
Status of wild salmon (Salmo salar) stocks in the Maritime Provinces.
Chaput, G.
1998/156 Maritimes
Genetic impacts on wild Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar L.) stocks of escaped farm conspecifics: An assessment of risk.
Verspoor, E.
1998/157 Maritimes
East Coast Salmon Aquaculture Breeding Programs: History and Future.
Glebe, B.
1998/158 Maritimes
Genetic introgression of the domestic Atlantic salmon genome into wild populations: a simulation of requirements for conservation.
Lacroix, G.L.
Korman, J.
Heath, D.D.
1998/159 Maritimes
A review of potential impacts on wild salmon stocks from fish diseases attributed to farmed salmon operations.
Olivier, G.
MacKinnon, A.-M.
1998/160 Maritimes
Overview of salmonid fish diseases and parasites in both the salmonid aquaculture industry and in wild salmon populations.
MacKinnon, A.-M.
Campbell, M.
Olivier, G.
1998/161 Maritimes
A review of the potential effects of sea lice infestation among aquaculture salmon on wild salmon.
McVicar, A.H.
1998/162 Maritimes
Ecological and behavioural interactions between farmed and wild Atlantic salmon: consequences for wild salmon in the Maritimes region.
Lacroix, G.L.
Fleming, I.
1998/163 Maritimes
An assessment of the possible impact of salmon aquaculture on Inner Bay of Fundy salmon stocks.
Amiro, P.G.
1998/164 Maritimes
A review of existing conventions, regulations and policies pertaining to the control and minimization of negative impacts from aquaculture on wild salmon stocks.
Porter, T.R.
Carey, T.
Harris, D.
Coombs, K.
1998/166 Maritimes
Use of triploid Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar) for aquaculture.
Benfey, T.
1998/167 Maritimes
Options for controlling disease and improving health in farmed salmon, as a means of reducing risks posed by escapees.
McVicar, A.H.
1998/168 Pacific
Factors Affecting the Health of Farmed and Wild Fish Populations: A Perspective from British Columbia.
St.-Hilaire, S.
Kent, M.
Iwama, G.
1998/169 Maritimes
A review and assessment of mitigative measures to eliminate or minimize potential impacts of farmed salmon operations on wild Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar) stocks.
Ritter, J.A.
1998/171 Pacific
Trends in coho marine survival in relation to the regime concept.
Beamish, R.J.
Noakes, D.
McFarlane, G.A.
Pinnix, W.
Sweeting, R.
King, J.
Folkes, M.
1999/025 Maritimes
Assessments of Atlantic salmon stocks of the Maritimes Region, 1998.
Marshall, T.L.
Chaput, G.
Amiro, P.G.
Cairns, D.K.
Jones, R.A.
O'Neil, S.F.
Ritter, J.A.
1999/027 Maritimes
Status of Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar) in the Buctouche River in 1998.
Atkinson, G.
Sanipass, G.
LeBlanc, V.
LeBlanc, S.
LeBlanc, N.
1999/028 Pacific
Stock Assessment of Thompson River/Upper Fraser River Coho Salmon.
Irvine, J.R.
Wilson, K.H.
Rosenberger, B.
Cook, R.
1999/030 Maritimes
Annual and decadal change in Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar) abundance in eastern Canada.
Chaput, G.
Prevost, E.
1999/049 Maritimes
Stock status of Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar) in the Miramichi River, 1998.
Chaput, G.
Moore, D.
Hayward, J.
Shaesgreen, J.
Dubee, B.
1999/050 Maritimes
Status of Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar) in the Tabusintac River in 1998 and summary of the 1996 stock assessment.
Douglas, S.
Swasson, D.
Bradford, R.G.
Joe, M.
1999/056 Maritimes
The effect of water temperature on angling catch of Atlantic salmon in the Upsalquitch river.
Mowbray, F.K.
Locke, A.
1999/068 Pacific
Review of 1997 Terminal Run of Somass River Chinook Salmon, and Terminal Run Forecast for 1998.
Riddell, B.E.
Luedke, W.
Till, J.
1999/081 Newfoundland & Labrador
Status of Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar L.) stocks of the Newfoundland region, 1998.
O'Connell, M.F.
Dempson, J.B.
Mullins, C.C.
Reddin, D.G.
Cochrane, D.G.
Caines, D.
1999/082 Newfoundland & Labrador
Status of the Exploits River stock of Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar) in 1998.
Bourgeois, C.E.
Murray, J.
Mercer, V.L.
1999/083 Newfoundland & Labrador
Status of Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar) in Campbellton River, Notre Dame Bay (SFA 4), in Newfoundland.
Downton, P.R.
Reddin, D.G.
1999/084 Newfoundland & Labrador
In-season forecast for Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar L.) returning to Campbellton River in 1998.
Reddin, D.G.
1999/085 Newfoundland & Labrador
Migration of Atlantic salmon kelts (Salmo salar L.) In relation to seawater temperature in Newfoundland, 1998.
Reddin, D.G.
Dempson, J.B.
Downton, P.R.
Mullins, C.C.
Friedland, K.
1999/086 Newfoundland & Labrador
Status of Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar L.) in Gander River, Notre Dame Bay (SFA 4), Newfoundland, 1998.
O'Connell, M.F.
Walsh, A.D.
Cochrane, N.M.
1999/087 Newfoundland & Labrador
Juvenile Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar L.) Abundance in the Experimental Ponds Area relative to subsequent adult returns to Gander River as a index of marine survival: apparent evidence for density-dependant marine mortality.
Knoechel, R.
Ryan, P.M.
O'Connell, M.F.
1999/088 Newfoundland & Labrador
Status of Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar L.) In Indian Bay Brook, Middle Brook, and Terra Nova River (SFA 5), Northeast Brook, Trepassey (SFA 9), and Northeast River, Placentia (SFA 10), Newfoundland, in 1998.
O'Connell, M.F.
Walsh, A.D.
Cochrane, N.M.
1999/089 Newfoundland & Labrador
Status of Rocky and Little rivers Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar L.) stocks of the Newfoundland Region in 1998.
Bourgeois, C.E.
Murray, J.
Mercer, V.L.
1999/091 Newfoundland & Labrador
The Labrador component of prefishery abundance of North America Atlantic salmon (Salmon salar L.) in 1998.
Reddin, D.G.
1999/092 Newfoundland & Labrador
Status of Atlantic salmon in Conne River, SFA 11, Newfoundland, 1998.
Dempson, J.B.
Furey, G.
Bloom, M.
1999/093 Newfoundland & Labrador
Status of Atlantic salmon at Highlands River, Bay St. George, SFA 13, Newfoundland, 1998.
Dempson, J.B.
Clarke, G.
1999/095 Newfoundland & Labrador
Status of Atlantic Salmon (Salmo salar L.) Populations in Crabbes River and Fischells Brook, Newfoundland, 1998.
Porter, T.R.
1999/099 Newfoundland & Labrador
Status of the Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar L.) stock of Harry's River/Pinchgut Brook, Newfoundland, 1998.
Mullins, C.C.
Caines, D.
Lowe, S.L.
1999/100 Newfoundland & Labrador
Status of the Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar L.) stock of Humber River, Newfoundland, 1998.
Mullins, C.C.
Caines, D.
1999/101 Newfoundland & Labrador
Status of Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar L.) stocks of three selected rivers in Salmon Fishing Area 14A, 1998.
Mullins, C.C.
Caines, D.
Lowe, S.L.
1999/108 Maritimes
Follow-up to the assessment of Atlantic salmon in selected rivers of Cape Breton Island, 1998.
Marshall, T.L.
Rutherford, K.A.
LeBlanc, P.H.
Jones, R.A.
1999/109 Maritimes
Follow-up to the assessment of Atlantic salmon in the Saint John River drainage, N.B., 1998.
Marshall, T.L.
Jones, R.A.
Anderson, L.
1999/110 Maritimes
In-season forecast model for 1SW salmon returning to the Saint John River, New Brunswick in 1999.
Harvie, C.J.
Marshall, T.L.
1999/125 Pacific
Forecast for southern British Columbia coho salmon in 1999.
Holtby, B.
Irvine, J.R.
Tanasichuk, R.W.
Simpson, K.M.
1999/126 Pacific
Trends in abundance and pre-season 1999 stock size forecasts for major sockeye, pink and chum salmon stocks in northern British Columbia.
Wood, C.C.
Rutherford, D.T.
Jantz, L.
1999/127 Pacific
A review of hooking mortality rates for marine recreational coho and chinook salmon fisheries in British Columbia.
Cox-Rogers, S.
Gjernes, T.W.
Fast, E.
1999/128 Pacific
1999 Assessment of Thompson River/ Upper Fraser River Coho Salmon.
Irvine, J.R.
Bailey, R.E.
Bradford, M.J.
Kadowaki, R.K.
Shaw, W.S.
1999/129 Pacific
Run size forecasts for Fraser River sockey and pink salmon in 1999.
Cass, A.
1999/133 Pacific
Status of Coho Salmon Stocks Adjacent to the Strait of Georgia, including the lower Fraser River.
Simpson, K.M.
Semple, R.E.
Baillie, S.
Adkins, B.
Lehmann, S.
1999/140 Pacific
Biological Assessment of Skeena River coho salmon.
Holtby, B.
Finnegan, B.
Chen, D.G.
Peacock, D.
1999/164 Pacific
An assessment of Kitsumkalum River summer chinook, a north coast indicator stock.
McNicol, R.E.
1999/165 Pacific
Review of 1998 Terminal Run of Somass River Chinook Salmon, 1998 WCVI Extensive Escapement Indicators, and Somass Terminal Run Forecast for 1999.
Riddell, B.E.
Luedke, W.
Till, J.
Patten, B.
1999/166 Pacific
Assessment of Coho Stocks on the West Coast of Vancouver Island, 1998.
Baillie, S.
Patten, B.
Till, J.
Simpson, K.M.
Luedke, W.
Tschaplinski, P.
1999/169 Pacific
Status of Clockwork Chum Salmon Stock and Review of the Clockwork Management Strategy.
Ryall, P.
Murray, C.
Palermo, R.V.
Bailey, D.
Chen, D.G.
1999/186 Pacific
Forecast for northern British Columbia coho salmon in 1999.
Holtby, B.
Finnegan, B.
Spilsted, B.P.
1999/188 Maritimes
Hydrological Conditions for Atlantic Salmon Rivers in the Maritime Provinces in 1997.
Caissie, D.
1999/189 Maritimes
Hydrological Conditions for Atlantic Salmon Rivers in the Maritime Provinces in 1998.
Caissie, D.
1999/191 Pacific
A Habitat Based Evaluation of Okanagan Sockeye Salmon Escapement Objectives.
Hyatt, K.D.
Rankin, D.P.
1999/207 Pacific
Optimal Production of Chinook Salmon from the Taku River.
McPherson, S.A.
Bernard, D.R.
Clark, J.H.
1999/208 Pacific
Optimal Production of Chinook Salmon from the Stikine River.
Bernard, D.R.
McPherson, S.A.
Pahlke, K.A.
Etherton, P.
2000/001 Maritimes
Status of Atlantic salmon in the Restigouche River, 1999.
Chaput, G.
Pickard, P.R.
Arsenault, M.
D'Amours, P.
Lebel, J.-P.
Firth, R.
2000/003 Maritimes
Status of Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar) in the Tabusintac River in 1999.
Douglas, S.
Swasson, D.
2000/004 Maritimes
Status of Atlantic salmon in the Miramichi River, 1999.
Chaput, G.
Hayward, J.
Moore, D.
Shaesgreen, J.
Dubee, B.
2000/005 Maritimes
Status of Atlantic Salmon (Salmo Salar) in the Buctouche River, and relative juvenile abundance in other Southeastern New Brunswick Rivers in 1999.
Atkinson, G.
Peters, J.
LeBlanc, V.
2000/007 Maritimes
Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar L.) stock status on rivers in the Northumberland Strait, Nova Scotia area, in 1999.
O'Neil, S.F.
Rutherford, K.A.
Aiken, D.E.
2000/008 Maritimes
Assessments of Atlantic salmon stocks in selected rivers of Cape Breton Island, 1999.
Marshall, T.L.
LeBlanc, P.H.
Rutherford, K.A.
Jones, R.A.
2000/009 Maritimes
Assessments of Atlantic salmon stocks of Salmon Fishing Areas 20 and 21, the southern Upland of Nova Scotia, for 1999.
Amiro, P.G.
Longard, D.A.
Jefferson, E.M.
2000/010 Maritimes
Assessments of Atlantic salmon stocks in southwest New Brunswick, 1999.
Marshall, T.L.
Jones, R.A.
Anderson, L.
2000/011 Maritimes
Hydrological conditions for Atlantic Salmon in 1999.
Caissie, D.
2000/012 Maritimes
The potential impact of seal and seabird predation on North American Atlantic salmon.
Cairns, D.K.
Reddin, D.G.
2000/013 Maritimes
An update on the status of Atlantic salmon on Prince Edward Island in 1999.
Cairns, D.K.
Murray, M.
MacLean, F.
Angus, R.
2000/029 Newfoundland & Labrador
Status of the Exploits River stock of Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar L.) in 1999.
Bourgeois, C.E.
Murray, J.
Mercer, V.L.
2000/030 Newfoundland & Labrador
Status of the Rocky and Little Rivers Stocks of Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar L.) of the Newfoundland Region in 1999.
Bourgeois, C.E.
Murray, J.
Mercer, V.L.
2000/031 Newfoundland & Labrador
Status of Atlantic salmon at Highlands River, Bay St. George, SFA 13, Newfoundland, 1999.
Dempson, J.B.
Clarke, G.
2000/032 Newfoundland & Labrador
Status of Atlantic salmon in Conne River, SFA11, Newfoundland, 1999.
Dempson, J.B.
Furey, G.
Bloom, M.
2000/034 Newfoundland & Labrador
Status of Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar L.) in Campbellton River, Notre Dame Bay (SFA4), Newfoundland in 1999.
Downton, P.R.
Reddin, D.G.
Johnson, R.W.
2000/035 Newfoundland & Labrador
Further evaluation of juvenile Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar L.) abundance in the Experimental Ponds area relative to subsequent adult returns to Gander River and the empirical evidence of density-dependant marine mortality.
Knoechel, R.
Ryan, P.M.
O'Connell, M.F.
2000/036 Newfoundland & Labrador
Status of the Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar L.) stock of Harry's River/Pinchgut Brook, Newfoundland, 1999.
Mullins, C.C.
Caines, D.
2000/037 Newfoundland & Labrador
Status of the Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar L.) stock of Humber River, Newfoundland, 1999.
Mullins, C.C.
Caines, D.
2000/038 Newfoundland & Labrador
Status of the Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar) stocks of Lomond River, Torrent River, and Western Arm Brook, Newfoundland, 1999.
Mullins, C.C.
Caines, D.
2000/039 Newfoundland & Labrador
Status of Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar L.) stocks of insular Newfoundland (SFAs 3-14S), 1999.
O'Connell, M.F.
Dempson, J.B.
Mullins, C.C.
Reddin, D.G.
Cochrane, N.M.
Caines, D.
2000/040 Newfoundland & Labrador
Status of Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar L.) in Gander River, Notre Dame Bay (SFA4), Newfoundland, 1999.
O'Connell, M.F.
Walsh, A.D.
Cochrane, N.M.
2000/041 Newfoundland & Labrador
Status of Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar L.) In Indian bay Brook, Middle Brook, and Terra Nova River (SFA 5), Northeast Brook, Trepassey (SFA 9), and Northerast River, Placentia (SFA10), Newfoundland, in 1999.
O'Connell, M.F.
Walsh, A.D.
Cochrane, N.M.
2000/042 Newfoundland & Labrador
Status of Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar L.) Populations in Crabbes and Robinson Rivers, and Middle Barachois, Fischells and Flat Bay Brooks, Newfoundland, 1999.
Porter, T.R.
2000/044 Newfoundland & Labrador
The stock status of Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar L.) in Paradise River, Labrador in 1999.
Reddin, D.G.
Short, P.B.
Johnson, R.W.
Bird, J.
2000/045 Newfoundland & Labrador
The stock status of Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar L.) in Big Brook (Michaels River), Labrador, 1999.
Reddin, D.G.
Short, P.B.
2000/046 Newfoundland & Labrador
The stock status of Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar L.) in English River, Labrador, 1999.
Reddin, D.G.
Short, P.B.
Sheppard, G.L.
Lowe, S.L.
2000/050 Maritimes
Effects of low environmental pH on Atlantic salmon in Nova Scotia.
Farmer, G.J.
2000/054 Maritimes
Precipitation, discharge and temperature variability in Atlantic salmon rivers in Acid Rain Impacted Southern Uplands Area of Nova Scotia.
Caissie, D.
2000/062 Maritimes
Assessment of the status, vulnerability and prognosis for Atlantic salmon stocks of the Southern Upland of Nova Scotia.
Amiro, P.G.
2000/068 Pacific
Stock status of Fraser River Sockeye.
Cass, A.
Schnute, J.T.
Richards, L.J.
Macdonald, A.
2000/107 Pacific
Pre-season run size forecasts for Fraser River Sockeye in 2000.
Cass, A.
2000/112 Newfoundland & Labrador
Newfoundland and Labrador Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar) stock status summary for 1999, and methods to address possible causes for continuing low abundance and survival.
Dempson, J.B.
Reddin, D.G.
2000/113 Pacific
Review of 1999 Terminal Run of Somass (Stamp) River Chinook Salmon and 1999 Escapement to WCVI Extensively Surveyed Indicators, and Forecast for 2000.
Riddell, B.E.
Luedke, W.
Till, J.
Ferguson, R.
2000/114 Pacific
Trends in Abundance and Pre-season 2000 Stock Size Forecasts for Major Sockeye, Pink, and Chum Salmon Stocks in the Central Coast and Selected Salmon Stocks in Northern British Columbia.
Rutherford, D.T.
Wood, C.C.
2000/125 Pacific
Stock Status and Genetics of Coho Salmon from the Interior Fraser River.
Irvine, J.R.
Withler, R.E.
Bradford, M.J.
Bailey, R.E.
Lehmann, S.
Wilson, K.H.
Candy, J.R.
Shaw, W.S.
2000/126 Pacific
Biological Reference Points for the Conservation and Management of Steelhead, Oncorhynchus mykiss.
Johnston, N.T.
Parkinson, E.A.
Tautz, A.F.
Ward, B.R.
2000/127 Pacific
Forecast for southern British Columbia coho salmon in 2000.
Holtby, L.B.
Simpson, K.M.
Tanasichuk, R.W.
Irvine, J.R.
2000/128 Pacific
Forecast for northern British Columbia coho salmon in 2000.
Holtby, B.
Finnegan, B.
Spilsted, B.P.
2000/151 Pacific
Assessment of Campbell/Quinsam Chinook Salmon (Oncorhynchus tshawytscha)
Nagtegaal, D.A.
Riddell, B.E.
Lehmann, S.
Ewart, D.
Adkins, B.
2000/152 Pacific
Evaluation of utility of aerial overflight based estimates versus mark-recapture estimates of chinook salmon escapement to the Nicola River, B.C.
Bailey, R.E.
Parken, C.K.
Irvine, J.R.
Rosenberger, B.
Farwell, M.K.
2000/153 Pacific
In-season indicators of run-strength and survival for northern British Columbia coho
Holtby, B.
2000/158 Pacific
Status in 1999 of Coho Stocks Adjacent to the Strait of Georgia.
Simpson, K.M.
Semple, R.E.
Dobson, D.
Irvine, J.R.
Lehmann, S.
Baillie, S.
2000/159 Pacific
A Preliminary Review of A New Model Based On Test Fishing Data Analysis to Measure Abundance Of Returning Chum Stocks To The Fraser River.
Gazey, W.J.
Palermo, R.V.
2000/160 Pacific
Status in 1999 of Coho Stocks on the West Coast of Vancouver Island.
Dobson, D.
Simpson, K.M.
Till, J.
Lehmann, S.
Ferguson, R.
Tschaplinski, P.
Baillie, S.
2000/162 Pacific
Assessment of Rivers and Smith Inlet Sockeye Salmon, with Commentary on Small Sockeye Salmon Stocks in Statistical Area 8
Rutherford, D.T.
Wood, C.C.
2000/174 Pacific
Review of the 1999 Return of Barkley Sound Sockeye Salmon and Forecasts for 2000.
Hyatt, K.D.
Luedke, W.
Till, J.
Rankin, D.P.
Lewis, D.B.
2001/008 Maritimes
Stock Status of Atlantic Salmon (Salmo Salar) in the Miramichi River, 2000
Chaput, G.
Moore, D.
Hayward, J.
Shaesgreen, J.
Dubee, B.
2001/009 Maritimes
Status of Atlantic Salmon (Salmo Salmar) in the Buctouche River and Relative Juvenile abundance in other Southestern New Brunswick Rivers in 2000.
Atkinson, G.
Peters, J.
2001/010 Maritimes
Hydrological Conditions for Atlantic Salmon Rivers in 2000
Caissie, D.
2001/011 Gulf
Approaches and methods for the scientific evaluation of bird and mammal predation on salmon in the Northwest Atlantic
Cairns, D.K.
2001/026 Newfoundland & Labrador
Status of the Exploits River stock of Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar L.) in 2000.
Bourgeois, G.E.
Murray, J.
Mercer, V.L.
2001/027 Newfoundland & Labrador
Status of Rocky River stock of Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar L.) in 2000.
Bourgeois, C.E.
Murray, J.
Mercer, V.L.
2001/028 Newfoundland & Labrador
Status of Atlantic salmon at Highlands River, Bay St. George, SFA 13, Newfoundland.
Dempson, J.B.
Clarke, G.
2001/030 Newfoundland & Labrador
Assessment of the status of the Atlantic salmon stock of Conne River, SFA 11, Newfoundland, 2000.
Dempson, J.B.
Furey, G.
Bloom, M.
2001/031 Newfoundland & Labrador
Status of Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar L.) in Campbellton River, Notre Dame Bay (SFA 4), Newfoundland in 2000.
Downton, P.R.
Reddin, D.G.
Johnson, R.W.
2001/032 Newfoundland & Labrador
A preliminary assessment of the Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar L.) stocks in Deer Arm Brook, Newfoundland, Newfoundland, 2000.
Knight, T.W.
2001/033 Newfoundland & Labrador
Status of the Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar L.) stock of Harry's River/Pinchgut Brook, Newfoundland, 2000.
Mullins, C.C.
Caines, D.
Lowe, S.L.
2001/034 Newfoundland & Labrador
The stock status of Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar L.) in Big Brook (Michaels River), Labrador, 2000.
Reddin, D.G.
Short, P.B.
Johnson, R.W.
2001/035 Newfoundland & Labrador
Harvests of salmon and environmental conditions in Labrador, 2000.
Reddin, D.G.
Dwyer, J.
Andersen, M.
Andrew, G.
2001/036 Newfoundland & Labrador
The stock status of Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar L.) in English River, Labrador, 2000
Reddin, D.G.
Short, P.B.
Sheppard, G.L.
Johnson, R.W.
2001/037 Newfoundland & Labrador
Status of Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar L.) populations in Crabbes and Robinsons Rivers, and Middle Barachois, Fischells and Flat Bay Brooks, Newfoundland, 1999.
Porter, T.R.
Clarke, G.
Murray, J.
2001/038 Newfoundland & Labrador
The Status of the Atlantic salmon stock of the Northwest River, Bonivista bay (SFA 5), Newfoundland, 2000
Simpson, J.M.
Bourgeois, C.E.
2001/039 Newfoundland & Labrador
Status of the Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar) stocks of Lomond River, Torrent River, and Western Arm Brook, Newfoundland, 2000.
Mullins, C.C.
Caines, D.
Lowe, S.L.
2001/041 Newfoundland & Labrador
Status of Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar L.) in Gander River, Notre Dame Bay (SFA 4), Newfoundland, 2000.
O'Connell, M.F.
Walsh, A.D.
Cochrane, N.M.
2001/042 Newfoundland & Labrador
Status of Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar L.) in Middle Brook (SFA 5), Northeast Brook, Trepassey (SFA 9), and Northeast River, Placentia (SFA 10), Newfoundland, in 2000
O'Connell, M.F.
Walsh, A.D.
Cochrane, N.M.
2001/063 Pacific
Pre-season run size forecasts for Fraser River sockeye and pink salmon in 2001.
Cass, A.
2001/078 Newfoundland & Labrador
Status of Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar L.) stocks of insular Newfoundland (SFAs 3-14A), 2000
O'Connell, M.F.
Dempson, J.B.
Mullins, C.C.
Reddin, D.G.
Cochrane, N.M.
Caines, D.
2001/083 Pacific
2001 Assessment of Stock Status for Coho Salmon From the Interior Fraser River
Irvine, J.R.
Parken, C.K.
Chen, D.G.
Candy, J.R.
Ming, T.
Supernault, J.
Shaw, W.S.
Bailey, R.E.
2001/088 Pacific
Forecast for northern British Columbia coho salmon in 2001
Holtby, L.B.
Finnegan, B.
2001/098 Pacific
Factors Limiting Juvenile Sockeye Production and Enhancement Potential for Selected BC Nursery Lakes
Shortreed, K.S.
Morton, K.F.
Malange, K.
Hume, J.M.B.
2001/107 Pacific
Forecast for Southern British Columbia Coho Salmon in 2001
Simpson, K.M.
Dobson, D.
Irvine, J.R.
Holtby, B.
Tanasichuk, R.W.
2001/134 Pacific
Summary of stock assessment information for selected early returning chinook salmon populations of the Fraser River watershed
Bailey, R.E.
Irvine, J.R.
Candy, J.R.
Parken, C.K.
Lemke, S.L.
Sullivan, M.
Wetklo, M.
2001/142 Pacific
Salmon farm - Pinniped interactions in British Columbia: an analysis of predator control, its justification and alternative approaches
Jamieson, G.
Olesiuk, P.F.
2001/144 Pacific
Status in 2000 of Coho Stocks Adjacent to the Strait of Georgia
Simpson, K.M.
Dobson, D.
Semple, R.E.
Lehmann, S.
Baillie, S.
Matthews, I.
2001/147 Pacific
Pre-season run size forecast for Fraser River Sockeye in 2002
Cass, A.
2001/154 Pacific
Mortality rates of coho salmon caught by commercial salmon gillnets and the effectiveness of revival tanks and reduced soak time for decreasing coho mortality rates
Hargreaves, N.B.
Tovey, C.
2001/155 Pacific
Review of 2000 Chinook returns to the West Coast Vancouver Island, forecast of the 2001 return to the Stamp River/Robertson Creek Hatchery indicator stock and outlook for other WCVI Chinook stocks
Riddell, B.E.
Luedke, W.
Till, J.
Ferguson, R.
2001/157 Pacific
Review of year 2000 return of Barkley Sound sockeye salmon and forecasts for 2001
Hyatt, K.D.
Luedke, W.
Rankin, D.P.
Till, J.
Lewis, D.B.
2002/007 Pacific
Floodplains, flooding, and salmon rearing habitats in British Columbia: A review.
Brown, G.
2002/025 Newfoundland & Labrador
A review of Atlantic salmon enhancement activities on the Terra Nova River (SFA 5), Newfoundland.
Bourgeois, C.E.
Murray, J.
Clarke, G.
2002/027 Newfoundland & Labrador
Status of Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar L.) in Trout River (SFA 14A), Gros Morne National Park of Canada, Newfoundland, 2001
McCormack, H.
Knight, T.W.
Gallant, T.
2002/028 Newfoundland & Labrador
Status of Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar L.) stocks of insular Newfoundland (SFAs 3-14A), 2001
O'Connell, M.F.
Dempson, J.B.
Mullins, C.C.
Reddin, D.G.
Bourgeois, C.E.
Porter, T.R.
Cochrane, N.M.
Caines, D.
2002/029 Newfoundland & Labrador
Status of Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar L.) populations in Crabbes and Robinsons Rivers, and Middle Barachois, Fischells and Flat Bay Brooks, Newfoundland, 2001.
Porter, T.R.
Clarke, G.
Murray, J.
2002/030 Newfoundland & Labrador
Environmental conditions and harvests in various fisheries for salmonids in Labrador, 2001
Reddin, D.G.
Anthony, R.
Andersen, M.
Andrew, G.
2002/062 Pacific
Forecast for northern and central coastal British Columbia coho salmon in 2002
Holtby, L.B.
Finnegan, B.
Gordon, D.J.
2002/064 Pacific
Status of Cultus Lake Sockeye Salmon (Oncorhynchus nerka) .
Schubert, N.D.
Beacham, T.D.
Cass, A.
Cone, T.E.
Fanos, B.P.
Foy, M.
Gable, J.H.
Grout, J.A.
Hume, J.M.B.
Johnson, M.
Morton, K.F.
Shortreed, K.S.
Staley, M.J.
Withler, R.E.
2002/069 Pacific
Forecast for central coast sockeye, pink and chum salmon in 2002
Holtby, L.B.
2002/075 Pacific
A perspective on the use of Performance Based Standards to assist in fish habitat management on the seafloor near salmon net pen operations in British Columbia
Levings, C.D.
Helfield, J.M.
Stucchi, D.J.
Sutherland, T.F.
2002/085 Pacific
A discussion paper on possible new stock groupings (Conservation Units) for Fraser River chinook salmon
Candy, J.R.
Irvine, J.R.
Parken, C.K.
Lemke, S.L.
Bailey, R.E.
Wetklo, M.
Jonsen, K.
2002/088 Pacific
Status of Sakinaw Lake Sockeye Salmon (Oncorhynchus nerka)
Murray, C.
Wood, C.C.
2002/094 Pacific
Forecast for southern British Columbia coho salmon in 2002
Simpson, K.M.
Dobson, D.
Lemke, S.L.
Sweeting, R.
Tanasichuk, R.W.
Baillie, S.
2002/114 Pacific
Habitat-based methods to estimate spawner capacity for chinook salmon in the Fraser River watershed
Parken, C.K.
Irvine, J.R.
Bailey, R.E.
Williams, I.V.
2002/116 Pacific
Pre-season run size forecasts for Fraser River sockeye and pink salmon in 2003.
Cass, A.
2002/119 Pacific
Review of 2001 Chinook Returns to the West Coast Vancouver Island, Forecast of the 2002 Return to the Stamp River / Robertson Creek Hatchery Indicator Stock, and Outlook for other WCVI Chinook Stocks
Riddell, B.E.
Luedke, W.
Till, J.
Taylor, S.
Tompkins, A.
2002/124 Pacific
Meziadin Lake Biological Escapement Goal and Considerations for Increasing Yield of Sockeye Salmon (Oncorhynchus nerka)
Bocking, R.C.
Link, M.R.
Baxter, B.
Nass, B.
Jantz, L.
2003/002 Newfoundland & Labrador
Status of Atlantic Salmon (Salmo salar L.) Stocks of Insular Newfoundland (SFAs 3-14A), 2002
O'Connell, M.F.
Dempson, J.B.
Mullins, C.C.
Reddin, D.G.
Bourgeois, C.E.
Porter, T.R.
Cochrane, N.M.
Caines, D.
2003/003 Newfoundland & Labrador
A Comparison of Atlantic Salmon Returns to the Lower and Middle Exploits River.
Bourgeois, C.E.
2003/033 Pacific
Review of the Year 2002 Return of Barkley Sound Sockeye Salmon and Forecasts for 2003.
Hyatt, K.D.
Luedke, W.
Rankin, D.P.
Till, J.
Lewis, D.B.
2003/063 Pacific
In-season forecasting of North Coast coho salmon marine survival: a decision-analytic method and retrospective analysis.
Cox, S.P.
Sawada, J.
de la Mare, W.K.
2003/064 Pacific
Forecast for Northern British Columbia coho salmon in 2003.
Sawada, J.
Holtby, L.B.
Finnegan, B.
2003/101 Gulf
Marine mortality of Atlantic salmon, Salmo salar L: methods and measures.
Potter, E.C.E.
O'Maoileideigh, N.
Chaput, G.
2003/102 Pacific
Forecast for southern and central British Columbia coho salmon in 2003.
Simpson, K.M.
Chamberlain, M.
Fagan, J.
Holtby, B.
Sweeting, R.
Tanasichuk, R.W.
2003/105 Newfoundland & Labrador
Status of Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar L.) Stocks of Insular Newfoundland (SFAs 3-14A), 2003.
O'Connell, M.F.
Dempson, J.B.
Mullins, C.C.
Reddin, D.G.
Bourgeois, C.E.
Porter, T.R.
Cochrane, N.M.
Caines, D.
2003/108 Maritimes
Abundance of Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar) in the Stewiacke River, NS, from 1965 to 2002.
Gibson, A.J.F.
Amiro, P.G.
2003/119 Maritimes
Abundance of Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar) in the Big Salmon River, New Brunswick, from 1951 to 2002.
Gibson, A.J.F.
Jones, R.A.
Amiro, P.G.
Flanagan, J.J.
2003/120 Maritimes
Identification and exploration of some methods for designation of critical habitat for survival and recovery of inner Bay of Fundy Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar).
Amiro, P.G.
Gibson, J.
Drinkwater, K.F.
2003/121 Maritimes
Densities of juvenile Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar) in inner Bay of Fundy rivers during 2000 and 2002 with reference to past abundance inferred from catch statistics and electrofishing surveys.
Gibson, A.J.F.
Amiro, P.G.
Robichaud-Leblanc, K.A.
2004/003 Newfoundland & Labrador
Environmental conditions and harvests in various fisheries for salmonids in Labrador, 2002.
Reddin, D.G.
Anthony, R.
Watts, K.
Nuna, R.
Luther, R.J.
2004/007 Pacific
Stock Status of Wild Chum Salmon (Oncorhynchus keta Walbaum) Returning to British Columbia's Central Coast and Johnstone and Georgia Straits (excluding the Fraser River).
Godbout, L.
Irvine, J.R.
Bailey, D.
Van Will, P.
McConnell, C.
2004/010 Pacific
Stock Status and Lake-Based Production Relationships for Wild Skeena River Sockeye Salmon.
Cox-Rogers, S.
Hume, J.M.B.
Shortreed, K.S.
2004/013 Pacific
Trends in Abundance for Northern British Columbia chum salmon.
Spilsted, B.P.
2004/016 Maritimes
Summary of Monitoring and Live Gene Bank Activities for Inner Bay of Fundy Salmon in 2003.
Gibson, A.J.F.
Jones, R.A.
O'Neil, S.F.
Flanagan, J.J.
Amiro, P.G.
2004/017 Maritimes
Assessments of Atlantic salmon stocks in selected rivers of Eastern Cape Breton, SFA 19, to 2003.
Robichaud-Leblanc, K.A.
Amiro, P.G.
2004/019 Maritimes
Assessments of Atlantic salmon stocks in southwest New Brunswick, an update to 2003.
Jones, R.A.
Anderson, L.
Goff, T.
2004/020 Pacific
Pre-Season 2003 Stock Size Forecasts For Skeena River and Nass River Sockeye Salmon.
Cox-Rogers, S.
2004/025 Pacific
Methods For Assessing Harvest Rules For Fraser River Sockeye Salmon.
Cass, A.
Folkes, M.
Pestal, G.P.
2004/043 Newfoundland & Labrador
Status of Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar L.) in Campbellton River, Notre Dame Bay (SFA 4), Newfoundland in 2003.
Downton, P.R.
Reddin, D.G.
2004/051 Gulf
Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar L.) smolt production estimates and biological characteristics from tributaries and the Restigouche River, 2002 and 2003.
Chaput, G.
Arsenault, M.
Benwell, I.
Cameron, P.
Connell, C.
Mathews, M.
Listiguj First Nation
2004/057 Newfoundland & Labrador
Status of Atlantic salmon, Salmo salar, in Conne River, SFA 11, Newfoundland, 2003.
Dempson, J.B.
Furey, G.
Bloom, M.
2004/095 Maritimes
Review of Allowable Harm Permits for inner Bay of Fundy Atlantic salmon.
Amiro, P.G.
2004/104 Newfoundland & Labrador
Observations on interactions between seals and salmon in Newfoundland and Labrador Rivers.
Sjare, B.
Reddin, D.G.
2004/105 Pacific
Pink Salmon Action Plan: Sea Lice on Juvenile Salmon and on Some Non-Salmonid Species in the Broughton Archipelago in 2003.
Jones, S.
Nemec, A.
2004/111 Newfoundland & Labrador
Harvests in various fisheries for salmonids and environmental conditions in Labrador, 2003.
Reddin, D.G.
King, W.
Oliver, S.
Nuna, R.
Poole, R.J.
2004/114 National Capital Region
Inner Bay of Fundy Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar) critical habitat case study.
Trzcinski, M.K.
Kurtis, A.
Gibson, J.
Amiro, P.G.
Randall, R.G.
2004/116 National Capital Region
Critical Habitat Case Study - Sakinaw Lake Sockeye Salmon.
Godbout, L.
Irvine, J.R.
Wood, C.C.
Fu, C.
Jamieson, G.
2004/127 Pacific
Forecasted status of Cultus and Sakinaw sockeye salmon in 2004.
Wood, C.C.
Parken, C.K.
2004/128 Pacific
A review of biological principles and methods involved in setting minimum population sizes and recovery objectives for the September 2004 drafts of the Cultus and Sakinaw Lake sockeye salmon and Interior Fraser coho salmon recovery plans.
Bradford, M.J.
Wood, C.C.
2004/129 Pacific
Habitat-based production goals for coho salmon in Fisheries and Oceans Statistical Area 3.
Bocking, R.C.
Peacock, D.
2004/135 Pacific
Forecast for southern and central British Columbia coho salmon in 2004.
Simpson, K.M.
Chamberlain, M.
Fagan, J.
Tanasichuk, R.W.
Dobson, D.
2005/006 Newfoundland & Labrador
Harvests in various fisheries for salmonids, Atlantic salmon returns to rivers and environmental conditions in Labrador, 2004.
Reddin, D.G.
Poole, R.J.
King, W.
Oliver, S.
Nuna, R.
Parr, T.
2005/022 Maritimes
Stock Status of Atlantic Salmon (Salmo salar) in the Cheticamp River, Cape Breton Highlands National Park, Nova Scotia, for 2004.
Landry, D.
Chaput, G.
Bridgland, J.
2005/063 Newfoundland & Labrador
Salmonid returns to Southwest Brook (Paradise River) and Muddy Bay Brook, Labrador in 2002-2004.
Reddin, D.G.
Poole, R.J.
Brown, V.
Lethbridge, R.
2005/064 Newfoundland & Labrador
Status of Atlantic Salmon (Salmo salar L.) Stocks of Insular Newfoundland (SFAs 3-14A), 2004.
O'Connell, M.F.
Dempson, J.B.
Reddin, D.G.
Bourgeois, C.E.
Porter, T.R.
Cochrane, N.M.
Caines, D.
2005/093 Pacific
Scientific Advice for input to the Allowable Harm Assessment for Interior Fraser Coho Salmon.
Folkes, M.
Ionson, B.
Irvine, J.R.
2005/095 Pacific
A Biologically-based Escapement Goal for Cowichan River Fall Chinook Salmon (Oncorhynchus tshawytscha).
Tompkins, A.
Riddell, B.E.
Nagtegaal, D.A.
2006/012 Maritimes
Towards the identification of Conservation Units in Atlantic salmon from Eastern Canada
O'Reilly, P.
2006/014 Newfoundland & Labrador
Aspects of the Life History, Biology, and Population Dynamics of Atlantic Salmon (Salmo salar L.) in Eastern Canada.
O'Connell, M.F.
Dempson, J.B.
Chaput, G.
2006/015 Maritimes
A synthesis of life history characteristics and stock grouping of Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar L.) in eastern Canada
Chaput, G.
Dempson, J.B.
Caron, F.
Jones, R.A.
Gibson, J.
2006/016 Maritimes
Population Regulation in Eastern Canadian Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar) populations
Gibson, A.J.F.
2006/017 Maritimes
A synthesis of fresh water habitat requirements and status for Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar) in Canada
Amiro, P.G.
2006/018 Maritimes
Perspectives on the marine ecology of Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar) in the Northwest Atlantic.
Reddin, D.G.
2006/019   A review of predator-prey and competitive inter-specific interactions in Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar)
Cairns, D.K.
2006/021 Maritimes
Definition and application of conservation requirements for the management of Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar) fisheries in eastern Canada
Chaput, G.
2006/023 Maritimes
Stock Status of Atlantic Salmon (Salmo salar L.) from rivers of the Gulf Region, SFA 15 to 18.
Chaput, G.
Cameron, P.
Moore, D.
Cairns, D.K.
LeBlanc, P.H.
2006/024 Maritimes
Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar) overview for eastern Cape Breton, Eastern Shore, Southwest Nova Scotia and inner Bay of Fundy rivers (SFA 19 to 22) in 2005
Amiro, P.G.
Gibson, A.J.F.
Bowlby, H.D.
2006/025 Maritimes
Assessments of Atlantic salmon stocks in southern and western New Brunswick (SFA 23), an update to 2005
Jones, R.A.
Anderson, L.
Flanagan, J.J.
Goff, T.
2006/026 Maritimes
Summary of status and abundance trends for eastern Canadian Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar) populations
Gibson, J.
Hubley, B.
Chaput, G.
Dempson, J.B.
Caron, F.
Amiro, P.G.
2006/027   Reproductive rates and rebuilding potential for two multi-sea-winter Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar L.) stocks of the Maritime provinces
Chaput, G.
Jones, R.A.
2006/028 Newfoundland & Labrador
Stock status summary for Atlantic salmon from Newfoundland and Labrador.
Dempson, J.B.
O'Connell, M.F.
Reddin, D.G.
Cochrane, N.M.
2006/058 Newfoundland & Labrador
Status of Atlantic Salmon (Salmo salar L.) Stocks of Insular Newfoundland (SFAs 3-14A), 2005
O'Connell, M.F.
Dempson, J.B.
Reddin, D.G.
Bourgeois, C.E.
Porter, T.R.
Cochrane, N.M.
Caines, D.
2006/060 Pacific
Pre-season run size forecasts for Fraser River sockeye for 2006.
Cass, A.
Folkes, M.
Parken, C.K.
Wood, C.C.
2006/071 Newfoundland & Labrador
Conservation Requirements for Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar L.) in Labrador rivers.
Reddin, D.G.
Dempson, J.B.
Amiro, P.G.
2006/083 Pacific
Habitat-based methods to estimate escapement goals for data limited Chinook salmon stocks in British Columbia, 2004
Parken, C.K.
McNicol, R.E.
Irvine, J.R.
2007/019 Pacific
Status of Birkenhead River Chinook salmon (Oncorhynchus tshawytscha)
Schubert, N.D.
Candy, J.R.
Cook, R.
Greenbank, J.
Lofthouse, D.
McNicol, R.E.
Parken, C.K.
Sneddon, D.
Tadey, J.A.
Wilson, K.H.
2007/020 Pacific
Assessment of chinook salmon returns to the Fraser River watershed using run reconstruction techniques, 1982-2004
English, K.K.
Bailey, R.E.
Robichaud, D.A.
2007/065 Pacific
Recovery Potential Analysis for Chinook Salmon Okanagan Population, Oncorhynchus Tshawytscha
Davis, C.
Wright, H.
Brown, T.
Phillips, B
Sharma, R.
Parken, C.K.
2007/070 Pacific
Conservation Units for Pacific Salmon under the Wild Salmon Policy
Holtby, B.
Ciruna, K.A.
2007/083 Central & Arctic
Central & Arctic
Assessing allowable harm and recovery efforts in Lake Ontario Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar)
Vélez-Espino, L.A.
Koops, M.A.
2008/010 Maritimes
Equilibrium analyses of the recovery feasibility of four Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar) in Nova Scotia and Southwest New Brunswick
Gibson, A.J.F.
Jones, R.A.
Amiro, P.G.
2008/024 Newfoundland & Labrador
Harvests in various fisheries for salmonids, Atlantic salmon returns to rivers and environmental conditions in Labrador, 2005
Reddin, D.G.
Poole, R.J.
King, W.
Oliver, S.
Nuna, R.
Parr, T.
2008/057 Maritimes
Population Viability Analysis of Inner Bay of Fundy Atlantic Salmon with and without Live Gene Banking
Gibson, A.J.F.
Bowlby, H.D.
Bryan, J.R.
Amiro, P.G.
2008/058 Maritimes
Assessment of the Recovery Potential for the Atlantic Salmon Designatable Unit for the Inner Bay of Fundy: Habitat Issues
Amiro, P.G.
Brazner, J.C.
Giorno, J.L.
2008/059 Maritimes
Assessment of the Recovery Potential for the Atlantic Salmon Designatable Unit Inner Bay of Fundy: Threats
Amiro, P.G.
Brazner, J.C.
Giorno, J.L.
2008/068 Maritimes
A proposal for status indicators, status classifications, and management actions for Atlantic Salmon populations in the Maritimes Region
Amiro, P.G.
2008/072 Pacific
Cultus Lake Sockeye Population Viability Analysis
Korman, J.
Grout, J.A.
2009/003 Maritimes
Water Currents, Drifter Trajectories, and the Estimated Potential for Organic Particles Released from a Proposed Salmon Farm Operation in Little Musquash Cove, Southern New Brunswick to Enter the Musquash Marine Protected Area
Page, F.H.
Chang, B.D.
Losier, R.J.
McCurdy, P.
2009/044 Newfoundland & Labrador
Atlantic salmon return and spawner estimates for Insular Newfoundland
Reddin, D.G.
Veinott, G.
2009/045 Newfoundland & Labrador
Atlantic salmon return and spawner estimates for Labrador
Reddin, D.G.
2009/046 Newfoundland & Labrador
Salmon Rivers of Newfoundland and Labrador
Reddin, D.G.
Poole, R.J.
Clarke, G.
Cochrane, N.M.
2009/058 Pacific
Indicators of Status and Benchmarks for Conservation Units in Canada's Wild Salmon Policy
Holt, C.A.
Cass, A.
Holtby, B.
Riddell, B.E.
2009/059 Pacific
Evaluation of Benchmarks for Conservation Units in Canada's Wild Salmon Policy: Technical Documentation
Holt, C.A.
2009/071 Pacific
Using Qualitative Risk Evaluations to Prioritize Resource Assessment Activities for Fraser River Sockeye
Pestal, G.P.
Cass, A.
2009/074 Gulf
Atlantic Salmon (Salmo salar) and Smallmouth Bass (Micropterus dolomieu) Interactions in the Magaguadavic River, New Brunswick
Carr, J.W.
Whoriskey, F.G.
2009/075 Gulf
Smallmouth Bass (Micropterus dolomieu) Invasion of Gulf Region Rivers: Evaluating the Impact on Atlantic Salmon (Salmo salar) Populations
Valois, A.
Curry, R.A.
Coghlan, S.M.
2009/076 Gulf
Information on Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar) from Salmon Fishing Area 18 (Gulf Nova Scotia) of relevance to the development of a COSEWIC status report
Breau, C.
Chaput, G.
LeBlanc, P.H.
Mallet, P.
2009/078 Gulf
Information on Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar) from Salmon Fishing Area 15 (Gulf New Brunswick) of relevance to the development of the COSEWIC status report
Cameron, P.
Chaput, G.
Mallet, P.
2009/080 Maritimes
Review of DFO Science information for Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar) populations in the eastern Cape Breton region of Nova Scotia
Gibson, A.J.F.
Bowlby, H.D.
2009/081 Maritimes
Review of DFO Science information for Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar) populations in the Southern Upland region of Nova Scotia
Gibson, A.J.F.
Bowlby, H.D.
Sam, D.L.
Amiro, P.G.
2009/095 National Capital Region
Conservation of genetic variation in the inner Bay of Fundy Atlantic salmon captive breeding and rearing program
O'Reilly, P.
Harvie, C.J.
2009/101 National Capital Region
Chinook salmon predation by resident killer whales: seasonal and regional selectivity, stock identity of prey, and consumption rates
Ford, J.K.B.
Wright, B.M.
Ellis, G.M.
Candy, J.R.
2009/110 Central & Arctic
Quantifying the fluvial habitat needed for the re-introduction of Atlantic Salmon (Salmo salar) in Lake Ontario
Randall, R.G.
2010/042 Pacific
Pre-season run size forecasts for Fraser River Sockeye salmon (Oncorhynchus nerka) in 2010
Grant, S.C.H.
Michielsens, C.G.J.
Porszt, E.J.
Cass, A.
2010/064 Gulf
Information on Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar) from Salmon Fishing Area 16 (Gulf New Brunswick) of relevance to the development of a COSEWIC status report
Chaput, G.
Moore, D.
Hardie, P.
Mallet, P.
2010/092 Gulf
Assessment of Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar) to the Miramichi River (NB) for 1998 to 2009
Chaput, G.
2010/104 Gulf
Stocking history, biological characteristics, and status of Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar) on Prince Edward Island
Cairns, D.K.
Guignion, D.L.
Dupuis, T.
MacFarlane, R.E.
2010/118 Maritimes
Assessments of Atlantic Salmon Stocks in South Western New Brunswick (Outer Portion of SFA 23): An Update to 2008
Jones, R.A.
Anderson, L.
Gibson, A.J.F.
Goff, T.
2010/123 Pacific
Status of Cultus Lake Sockeye Salmon
Bradford, M.J.
Hume, J.M.B.
Withler, R.E.
Lofthouse, D.
Barnetson, S.
Grant, S.
Folkes, M.
Schubert, N.D.
Huang, A-M.
2010/139 Newfoundland & Labrador
Status of Atlantic Salmon (Salmo salar L.) Stocks of Insular Newfoundland (SFAs 3-14A), 2009
Robertson, M.J.
Dempson, J.B.
Reddin, D.G.
Veinott, G.
Cochrane, N.M.
Bourgeois, C.E.
Caines, D.
2011/006 Newfoundland & Labrador
New Estimates of Whole Weight, Percent Females and Fecundity for Use in the Determination of Conservation Status of Atlantic Salmon (Salmo salar) in Assessed Rivers in the Bay St. George Area (SFA 13)
Veinott, G.
Cochrane, N.
2011/087 Pacific
Evaluation of Uncertainty in Fraser Sockeye (Oncorhynchus nerka) Wild Salmon Policy Status using Abundance and Trends in Abundance Metrics
Grant, S.C.H.
MacDonald, B.L.
Cone, T.E.
Holt, C.A.
Cass, A.
Porszt, E.J.
Hume, J.M.B.
Pon, L.B.
2011/117 Newfoundland & Labrador
Status of Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar L.) stocks of the Newfoundland and Labrador Region (SFAs 1-14A), 2010
Bourgeois, C.E.
Dempson, J.B.
Reddin, D.G.
Veinott, G.
Robertson, M.J.
Poole, R.J.
Cochrane, N.M.
2011/133 Pacific
Updated Methods For Assessing Harvest Rules For Fraser River Sockeye Salmon (Oncorhynchus nerka)
Pestal, G.P.
Huang, A-M.
Cass, A.
2011/134 Pacific
Pre-season run size forecasts for Fraser River Sockeye (Oncorhynchus nerka) and Pink (O. gorbuscha) Salmon in 2011
Grant, S.C.H.
MacDonald, B.L.
2011/139 Newfoundland & Labrador
Review of the retained catch of Atlantic salmon as a result of the introduction of the River Classification System in the 1996 IFMP for insular Newfoundland (SFA's 3-14A)
Bourgeois, C.E.
Veinott, G.
2012/011 Pacific
Pre-season run size forecasts for Fraser River Sockeye salmon (Oncorhynchus nerka) in 2012
MacDonald, B.L.
Grant, S.C.H.
2012/043 Maritimes
What is 2.4? Placing Atlantic Salmon Conservation Requirements in the Context of the Precautionary Approach to Fisheries Management in the Maritimes Region
Gibson, A.J.F.
Claytor, R.R.
2012/054 Gulf
Hydrological conditions for Atlantic salmon rivers in 2011
Caissie, D.
2012/064 Pacific
Evaluation of Fraser River Sockeye salmon (Oncorhynchus nerka) spawning distribution following COSEWIC and IUCN Redlist guidelines
de Mestral Bezanson, L.
Bradford, M.J.
Casley, S.
Benner, K.
Pankratz, T.
Porter, M.
2012/077 Maritimes
Within- and among-population genetic variation in the Southern Upland Designatable Unit of Maritime Atlantic Salmon (Salmo salar L.)
O'Reilly, P.
Rafferty, S.
Gibson, J.
2012/090 Gulf
The status of Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar) on Prince Edward Island (SFA 17) in 2011
Cairns, D.K.
MacFarlane, R.E.
Guignion, D.L.
Dupuis, T.
2012/093 Gulf
Analysis of catch options for aboriginal and recreational fisheries for Atlantic salmon from the Margaree River (Nova Scotia) for 2012
Breau, C.
Chaput, G.
2012/102 Gulf
Estimated returns of Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar) to the Miramichi River and each branch, 1998 to 2011
Chaput, G.
Douglas, S.
2012/104 Gulf
Assessment of Atlantic Salmon (Salmo salar) in Salmon Fishing Area 16 of the southern Gulf of St. Lawrence
Douglas, S.G.
Chaput, G.
Hayward, J.
Sheasgreen, J.
2012/106 Pacific
Integrated Biological Status Assessments Under the Wild Salmon Policy Using Standardized Metrics and Expert Judgement: Fraser River Sockeye Salmon (Oncorhynchus nerka) Case Studies
Grant, S.C.H.
Pestal, G.
2012/142 Maritimes
Recovery Potential Assessment for Southern Upland Atlantic Salmon: Population Dynamics and Viability
Gibson, A.J.F.
Bowlby, H.D.
2012/145 Pacific
Pre-season run size forecasts for Fraser River Sockeye (Oncorhynchus nerka) and Pink (O. gorbuscha) salmon in 2013
Grant, S.C.H.
MacDonald, B.L.
2012/146 Gulf
Newfoundland & Labrador
Considerations for defining reference points for semelparous species, with emphasis on anadromous salmonid species including iteroparous salmonids
Chaput, G.
Cass, A.
Grant, S.
Huang, A-M.
Veinott, G.
2012/147 Gulf
Status of Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar L.) stocks in rivers of Nova Scotia flowing into the Gulf of St. Lawrence (SFA 18)
Breau, C.
2012/150 Pacific
Utilizing the Albion Test Fishery as an In season Predictor of Run Size of the Fraser River Spring and Summer Age 52 Chinook Aggregate
Chamberlain, M.W.
Parken, C.K.
2012/163 Gulf
Knowledge of fish physiology used to set water temperature thresholds for in-season closures of Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar) recreational fisheries
Breau, C.
2012/164 Gulf
Adaptive management strategies to protect Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar) under environmentally stressful conditions
Breau, C.
Caissie, D.
2012/165 Gulf
Water temperature characteristics of the Miramichi and Restigouche Rivers
Caissie, D.
Breau, C.
Hayward, J.
Cameron, P.
2012/170 Quebec
Recovery Potential Assessment for Atlantic Salmon Anticosti Island Population : Habitat and Threats
Dubé, S.
2013/005 Maritimes
Recovery Potential Assessment for Southern Upland Atlantic Salmon: Status, Past and Present Abundance, Life History and Trends
Bowlby, H.D.
Gibson, A.J.F.
Levy, A.
2013/006 Maritimes
Recovery Potential Assessment for Southern Upland Atlantic Salmon: Habitat Requirements and Availability, Threats to Populations, and Feasibility of Habitat Restoration
Bowlby, H.D.
Horsman, T.
Mitchell, S.C.
Gibson, A.J.F.
2013/047 Central & Arctic
Morphology and life history of the Great Slave Lake ciscoes (Salmoniformes: Coregoninae)
Muir, A.M.
Vecsei, P.
Power, M.
Krueger, C.C.
Reist, J.D.
2013/050 National Capital Region
A review of potential environmental risks associated with the use of pesticides to treat Atlantic salmon against infestations of sea lice in southwest New Brunswick, Canada
Burridge, L.
2013/071 Maritimes
Inner Bay of Fundy (iBoF) Atlantic Salmon (Salmo salar) Marine Habitat: Proposal for Important Habitat
Marshall, T.L.
2013/076 Maritimes
Within- and among-population genetic variation in Eastern Cape Breton Atlantic Salmon and the prioritization of populations for conservation (Salmo salar L.)
O'Reilly, P.
Rafferty, S.
Gibson, A.J.F.
2013/090 Newfoundland & Labrador
Population viability analysis for the South Newfoundland Atlantic Salmon (Salmo salar) designatable unit
Robertson, M.J.
Weir, L.K.
Dempson, J.B.
2013/102 Quebec
Recovery Potential Modelling of Anticosti Island Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar) metapopulation
Brun, M.
Prevost, E.
2013/105 Newfoundland & Labrador
Atlantic salmon returns to four rivers and harvests in various fisheries in Labrador for 2006-09
Reddin, D.G.
Poole, R.J.
Brown, V.
Lethbridge, R.
Mesher, H.
Pardy, M.
Lethbridge, B.
2013/110 Central & Arctic
Assessment of measures to assess compensation and mitigation as related to the creation, rehabilitation, or restoration of spawning habitat for fluvial or lacustrine spawning salmonines
Fitzsimons, J.D.
2013/121 Pacific
Pre-COSEWIC Assessment of Interior Fraser Coho Salmon (Oncorhynchus kisutch)
Decker, A.S.
Irvine, J.R.
2014/002 National Capital Region
A review of potential environmental risks associated with the use of pesticides to treat Atlantic salmon against infestations of sea lice in Canada
Burridge, L.E.
Van Geest, J.L.
2014/005 Maritimes
Recovery Potential Assessment for Eastern Cape Breton Atlantic Salmon (Salmo salar): Population Viability Analyses
Gibson, A.J.F.
Levy, A.
2014/006 Maritimes
Assessment of the Recovery Potential for the Outer Bay of Fundy Population of Atlantic Salmon: Threats to Populations
Clarke, C.N.
Ratelle, S.M.
Jones, R.A.
2014/007 Maritimes
Assessment of the Recovery Potential for the Outer Bay of Fundy Population of Atlantic Salmon (Salmo salar): Habitat Considerations
Marshall, T.L.
Clarke, C.N.
Jones, R.A.
Ratelle, S.M.
2014/008 Maritimes
Assessment of the Recovery Potential for the Outer Bay of Fundy Population of Atlantic Salmon (Salmo salar): Status, Trends, Distribution, Life History Characteristics and Recovery Targets
Jones, R.A.
Anderson, L.
Clarke, C.N.
2014/019 Pacific
Sea lice monitoring and non-chemical measures A: Biology of sea lice, Lepeophtheirus salmonis and Caligus spp., in western and eastern Canada
Jones, S.
Johnson, S.
2014/035 Newfoundland & Labrador
Accuracy and Utility of the Atlantic Salmon Licence Stub (Angler Log) Return Program in Newfoundland and Labrador
Veinott, G.
Cochrane, N.
2014/048 National Capital Region
Oceanographic conditions of salmon farming areas with attention to those factors that may influence the biology and ecology of sea lice, Lepeophtherius salmonis and Caligus spp., and their control
Brewer-Dalton, K.
Page, F.H.
Chandler, P.
Ratsimandresy, A.W.
2014/060 Pacific
Monitoring for sea lice on wild salmon in western and eastern Canada
Johnson, S.
Jones, S.
2014/069 Maritimes
Within- and among-population genetic variation in Outer Bay of Fundy Atlantic Salmon (Salmo salar L.), with special emphasis on the Saint John River system in the context of recent human impacts
O'Reilly, P.
Jones, R.
Rafferty, S.
2014/071 Maritimes
Recovery Potential Assessment for Eastern Cape Breton Atlantic Salmon (Salmo salar): Habitat requirements and availability; and threats to populations
Gibson, A.J.F.
Horsman, T.L.
Ford, J.S.
Halfyard, E.A.
2014/086 Pacific
Assessment of the Interior Fraser Coho Salmon (Oncorhynchus kisutch) Management Unit Relative to the 2006 Conservation Strategy Recovery Objectives
Decker, A.S.
Hawkshaw, M.A.
Patten, B.A.
Sawada, J.
Jantz, A.L.
2014/089 Pacific
Estimating Regional Distributions of Freshwater Stock Productivity, Carrying Capacity, and Sustainable Harvest Rates for Coho Salmon Using a Hierarchical Bayesian Modelling
Korman, J.
Tompkins, A.
2014/090 Pacific
Comparison of the Fishery and Conservation Performance of Fixed- and Abundance-Based Exploitation Regimes for Coho Salmon in Southern British Columbia
Korman, J.
Tompkins, A.
2014/099 Maritimes
Recovery Potential Assessment for Eastern Cape Breton Atlantic Salmon (Salmo salar): Status, Past and Present Abundance, Life History, and Trends
Levy, A.L.
Gibson, A.J.F.
2014/102 National Capital Region
Transport and dispersal of sea lice bath therapeutants from salmon farm net-pens and well-boats operated in Southwest New Brunswick: a mid-project perspective and perspective for discussion
Page, F.H.
Chang, B.D.
Beattie, M.
Losier, R.
McCurdy, P.
Bakker, J.
Haughn, K.
Thorpe, B.
Fife, J.
Scouten, S.
Bartlett, G.
Ernst, B.
2015/003 National Capital Region
Biocontainment measures to reduce/mitigate potential post-escape interactions between cultured European-origin and wild native Atlantic salmon in Newfoundland
Benfey, T.J.
2015/019 Gulf
The status of Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar) on Prince Edward Island (SFA 17) in 2013
Cairns, D.K.
MacFarlane, R.E.
2015/030 National Capital Region
The potential direct and indirect genetic consequences for native Newfoundland Atlantic Salmon from interbreeding with European-origin farm escapes
Verspoor, E.
McGinnity, P.
Bradbury, I.
Glebe, B.
2015/043 Gulf
Status of Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar L.) stocks in rivers of Nova Scotia flowing into the Gulf of St. Lawrence (SFA 18), 2012-2013
Biron, M.
Breau, C.
2015/049 Gulf
Assessment of Atlantic Salmon (Salmo salar) in Salmon Fishing Area 16 of the southern Gulf of St. Lawrence to 2013
Douglas, S.G.
Chaput, G.
Hayward, J.
Sheasgreen, J.
2015/050 Pacific
Habitat-Based Model and Stock-Recruit Productivity Estimates for Coho Salmon in Georgia Strait Mainland, Georgia Strait Vancouver Island and Lower Fraser Management Units
Noble, C.A.J.
Korman, J.
Bocking, R.
2015/064 National Capital Region
Transport and dispersal of sea lice bath therapeutants from salmon farm net-pens and well-boats
Page, F.H.
Losier, R.
Haigh, S.
Bakker, J.
Chang, B.D.
McCurdy, P.
Beattie, M.
Haughn, K.
Thorpe, B.
Fife, J.
Scouten, S.
Greenberg, D.
Ernst, W.
Wong, D.
Bartlett, G.
2015/072 National Capital Region
Physical containment approaches to mitigate potential escape of European-origin Atlantic salmon in south coast Newfoundland aquaculture operations
Bridger, C.J.
Fredriksson, D.W.
Jensen, Ø.
2015/073 National Capital Region
Ecological impact assessment of the use of European-origin Atlantic Salmon in Newfoundland aquaculture facilities
Cote, D.
Fleming, I.A.
Carr, J.W.
McCarthy, J.H.
2015/074 Gulf
Considerations for defining reference points for Atlantic Salmon that conform to the Precautionary Approach
Chaput, G.
2015/075 Gulf
Newfoundland & Labrador
Hierarchical Bayesian modelling of Atlantic Salmon egg to smolt time series from monitored rivers of eastern Canada to define and transport reference points
Chaput, G.
Prévost, E.
Dempson, J.B.
Dionne, M.
Jones, R.
Levy, A.
Robertson, M.
Veinott, G.
2016/029 Gulf
Biological characteristics and population dynamics of Atlantic Salmon (Salmo salar) from the Miramichi River, New Brunswick, Canada
Chaput, G.
Douglas, S.G.
Hayward, J.
2016/030 Gulf
Risks and benefits of mitigating low marine survival in wild salmon using smolt-to-adult captive-reared supplementation
Fraser, D.J.
2016/031 Gulf
Molecular techniques for parentage analysis to assess supplementation effectiveness for Atlantic Salmon (Salmo salar) on the Miramichi River
Pavey, S.A.
2016/032 Maritimes
Recovery Potential Assessment for Outer Bay of Fundy Atlantic Salmon (Salmo Salar): Population Dynamics and Viability
Gibson, A.J.F.
Jones, R.A.
MacAskill, G.J.
2016/038 Pacific
Report on the Performance Evaluation of the Fluidigm BioMark Platform for High-Throughput Microbe Monitoring in Salmon
Miller, K.M.
Gardner, I.A.
Vanderstichel, R.
Burnley, T.
Schulze, A.D.
Li, S.
Tabata, A.
Kaukinen, K.H.
Ming, T.
Ginther, N.G.
2016/110 Pacific
Exploration of data and methods for developing estimates of a biologically-based spawning goal and biological benchmarks for Little Tahltan Chinook (Stikine River drainage)
Pestal, G.
Etherton, P.
Boyce, I.
Richards, P.
Jaecks, T.
2017/010 Pacific
Review and Evaluation of Fishing-Related Incidental Mortality for Pacific Salmon
Patterson, D.A.
Robinson, K.A.
Lennox, R.J.
Nettles, T.L.
Donaldson, L.A.
Eliason, E.J.
Raby, G.D.
Chapman, J.M.
Cook, K.V.
Donaldson, M.R.
Bass, A.L.
Drenner, S.M.
Reid, A.J.
Cooke, S.J.
Hinch, S.G.
2017/011 Pacific
Guidance to Derive and Update Fishing-Related Incidental Mortality Rates for Pacific Salmon
Patterson, D.A.
Robinson, K.A.
Raby, G.D.
Bass, A.L.
Houtman, R.
Hinch, S.G.
Cooke, S.J.
2017/021 Pacific
Evaluating Models to Forecast Return Timing and Diversion Rate of Fraser Sockeye Salmon
Folkes, M. J. P.
Thomson, R. E.
Hourston, R. A. S.
2017/024 Newfoundland & Labrador
Status of Atlantic Salmon (Salmo salar L.) stocks within the Newfoundland and Labrador Region (Salmon Fishing Areas 1-14B), 2014
Robertson, M.J.
Bradbury, I.
Cochrane, N.M.
Dempson, J.B.
Grant, C.
Kelly, N.
Poole, R.
Veinott, G.I.
2017/072 National Capital Region
British Columbia farmed Atlantic Salmon health management practices
Wade, J.
2017/074 National Capital Region
Summary of Fraser River Sockeye Salmon (Oncorhynchus nerka) ecology to inform pathogen transfer risk assessments in the Discovery Islands, BC
Grant, S.C.H.
Holt, C.
Wade, J.
Mimeault, C.
Burgetz, I.J.
Johnson, S.
Trudel, M.
2017/075 National Capital Region
Assessment of the risk to Fraser River Sockeye Salmon due to Infectious Hematopoietic Necrosis Virus (IHNV) transfer from Atlantic Salmon farms in the Discovery Islands, British Columbia
Mimeault, C.
Wade, J.
Foreman, M.G.G.
Chandler, P.C.
Aubry, P.
Garver, K.A.
Grant, S.C.H.
Holt, C.
Jones, S.R.M.
Johnson, S.C.
Trudel, M.
Burgetz, I.J.
Parsons, G.J.
2018/008 Newfoundland & Labrador
Status of Atlantic Salmon (Salmo salar L.) stocks within the Newfoundland and Labrador Region (Salmon Fishing Areas 1 14B), 2016
Veinott, G.I.
Robertson, M.J.
Bradbury, I.
Dempson, J.B.
Grant, C.
Kelly, N.
Whalen, J.
Poole, R.
2018/011 Pacific
Evaluating Benchmarks of Biological Status for Data-limited Conservation Units of Pacific Salmon, Focusing on Chum Salmon in Southern BC
Holt, C.A.
Davis, B.
Dobson, D.
Godbout, L.
Luedke, W.
Tadey, J.
Van Will, P.
2018/014 Pacific
Review of recent and proposed Okanagan Sockeye Salmon (Oncorhynchus nerka) fry introductions to Skaha and Okanagan lakes: history, uncertainties, and implications
Hyatt, K.
Withler, R.
Garver, K.
2018/019 Pacific
Genetically Based Targets for Enhanced Contributions to Canadian Pacific Chinook Salmon Populations
Withler, R.
Bradford, M.J.
Willis, D.M.
Holt, C.
2018/042 Maritimes
Effects of Three Generations of Captive Breeding and Rearing on Survival, Growth, and Other Phenotypic Traits in Inner Bay of Fundy Atlantic Salmon (Salmo salar)
Harvie, C.
McWilliam, S.
O'Reilly, P.T.
2018/043 Maritimes
Review of the Inner Bay of Fundy Atlantic Salmon (Salmo salar) Monitoring Activities Associated with the Live Gene Bank
Jones, R.A.
Ratelle, S.M.
Tuziak, S.M.
Harvie, C.
Lenentine, B.
O'Reilly, P.T.
2018/044 Maritimes
Genetic Change in Inner Bay of Fundy Atlantic Salmon (Salmo salar) Across Three Generations of Captive Breeding and Rearing
O'Reilly, P.T.
Harvie, C.
McWilliam, S.
Lenentine, B.
Jones, R.
2019/001 Pacific
Evaluation framework for assessing potential Pacific Salmon Commission reference points for population status and associated allowable exploitation rates for Strait of Georgia and Fraser River Coho Salmon Management Units
Korman, J.
Sawada, J.
Bradford, M.J.
2019/011 Pacific
Pre-COSEWIC review of southern British Columbia Chinook Salmon (Oncorhynchus tshawytscha) conservation units, Part I: Background
Brown, G.S.
Baillie, S.
Thiess, M.
Bailey, R.E.
Candy, J.R.
Parken, C.K.
Willis, D.M.
2019/015 Pacific
Framework for reviewing and approving revisions to Wild Salmon Policy conservation units
Wade, J.
Hamilton, S.
Baxter, B.
Brown, G.
Grant, S.C.H.
Holt, C.
Thiess, M.
Withler, R.
2019/016 National Capital Region
Characterization of Aeromonas salmonicida and furunculosis to inform pathogen transfer risk assessments in British Columbia
Boily, F.
Malcolm, G.
Johnson, S.C.
2019/017 National Capital Region
Assessment of the risk to Fraser River Sockeye Salmon due to Aeromonas salmonicida transfer from Atlantic Salmon farms in the Discovery Islands area, British Columbia
Mimeault, C.
Aubry, P.
Wan, D.
Wade, J.
Boily, F.
Jones, S.R.M.
Johnson, S.
Foreman, M.G.G.
Chandler, P.C.
Garver, K.A.
Holt, C.
Burgetz, I.J.
Parsons, G.J.
2019/018 National Capital Region
Characterization of Renibacterium salmoninarum and bacterial kidney disease to inform pathogen transfer risk assessments in British Columbia
Rhodes, L.D.
Mimeault, C.
2019/019 National Capital Region
Assessment of the risk to Fraser River Sockeye Salmon due to Renibacterium salmoninarum transfer from Atlantic Salmon farms in the Discovery Islands area, British Columbia
Mimeault, C.
Wade, J.
Boily, F.
Johnson, S.
Jones, S.R.M.
Aubry, P.
Malcolm, G.
Foreman, M.G.G.
Chandler, P.C.
Wan, D.
Garver, K.A.
Holt, C.
Burgetz, I.J.
Parsons, G.J.
2019/020 National Capital Region
Characterization of Piscirickettsia salmonis and salmonid rickettsial septicaemia to inform pathogen transfer risk assessments in British Columbia
Jones, S.R.M.
2019/021 National Capital Region
Assessment of the risk to Fraser River Sockeye Salmon due to Piscirickettsia salmonis transfer from Atlantic Salmon farms in the Discovery Islands area, British Columbia
Mimeault, C.
Jones, S.R.M.
Wade, J.
Aubry, P.
Johnson, S.
Foreman, M.G.G.
Garver, K.A.
Holt, C.
Boily, F.
Burgetz, I.J.
Parsons, G.J.
2019/023 National Capital Region
Assessment of the risk to Fraser River Sockeye Salmon due to Yersinia ruckeri transfer from Atlantic Salmon farms in the Discovery Islands area, British Columbia
Mimeault, C.
Wade, J.
Boily, F.
Johnson, S.
Jones, S.R.M.
Aubry, P.
Foreman, M.G.G.
Garver, K.A.
Holt, C.
Burgetz, I.J.
Parsons, G.J.
2019/027 Pacific
Recovery Potential Assessment for the Sakinaw Lake Sockeye Salmon (Oncorhynchus nerka) (2017)
Ramshaw, B.
Luedke, W.
Korman, J.
2019/036 National Capital Region
Assessment of the risk to Fraser River Sockeye Salmon due to piscine orthoreovirus (PRV) transfer from Atlantic Salmon farms in the Discovery Islands area, British Columbia
Mimeault, C.
Polinski, M.
Garver, K.A.
Jones, S.R.M.
Johnson, S.
Boily, F.
Malcolm, G.
Holt, K.
Burgetz, I.J.
Parsons, G.J.
2019/074 Newfoundland & Labrador
Evaluation of potential direct genetic effects of the proposed Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar) aquaculture site expansion in southern Newfoundland
Bradbury, I.
Duffy, S.
Lehnert, S.
Johannsson, R.
Hlodver Fridriksson, J.
Castellani, M.
Burgetz, I.
Sylvester, E.
Messmer, A.
Kelly, N.
Fleming, I.
2020/025 Pacific
Interior Fraser Coho Salmon Recovery Potential Assessment
Arbeider, M.
Ritchie, L.
Braun, D.
Jenewein, B.
Rickards, K.
Dionne, K.
Holt, C.
Nicklin, P.
Mozin, P.
Grant, P.
Parken, C.
Bailey, R.
2020/029 Newfoundland & Labrador
Influence of water temperature on mortality of Atlantic Salmon after catch and release angling
Van Leeuwen, T.E.
Dempson, J.B.
Burke, C.M.
Kelly, N.I.
Robertson, M.J.
Lennox, R.J.
Havn, T.B.
Svenning, M-A.
Hinks, R.
Guzzo, M.M.
Thorstad, E.B.
Purchase, C.F.
Bates, A.E.
2020/035 Pacific
Estimates of a Biologically-Based Spawning Goal and Management Benchmarks for the Canadian-Origin Taku River Sockeye Salmon Stock Aggregate
Miller, S. E.
Pestal, G.
2020/038 Pacific
The 2017 Fraser Sockeye Salmon (Oncorhynchus nerka) Integrated Biological Status Re-Assessments Under the Wild Salmon Policy Using Standardized Metrics and Expert Judgment
Grant, S.C.H.
Holt, C.A.
Pestal, G.
Davis, B.M.
MacDonald, B.L.
2020/058 National Capital Region
Assessment of the risk to Fraser River Sockeye Salmon due to Moritella viscosa transfer from Atlantic Salmon farms in the Discovery Islands area, British Columbia
Mimeault, C.
Nekouei, O.
Garver, K.A.
Jones, S.R.M.
Johnson, S.
Holt, K.
Aubry, P.
Weber, L.
Burgetz, I.J.
Parsons, G.J.
2020/059 National Capital Region
Assessment of the risk to Fraser River Sockeye Salmon due to Tenacibaculum maritimum transfer from Atlantic Salmon farms in the Discovery Islands area, British Columbia
Mimeault, C.
Nekouei, O.
Garver, K.A.
Jones, S.R.M.
Johnson, S.
Holt, K.
Aubry, P.
Weber, L.
Burgetz, I.J.
Parsons, G.J.
2020/065 National Capital Region
Assessment of the risk to Fraser River Sockeye Salmon due to viral haemorrhagic septicaemia virus IVa (VHSV-IVa) transfer from Atlantic Salmon farms in the Discovery Islands area, British Columbia
Parsons, G. J.
Burgetz, I. J.
Weber, L.
Garver, K. A.
Jones, S. R. M.
Johnson, S.
Hawley, L.
Davis, B.
Aubry, P.
Wade, J.
Mimeault, C.
2020/076 National Capital Region
Environmental Risk Assessment for the Manufacture and Grow-out of EO-1α Salmon, Including the Sterile AquAdvantage® Salmon, at a Land-Based and Contained Facility near Rollo Bay, PEI
McGowan, C.
Leggatt, R.
2021/009 Pacific
Recovery Potential Assessment for the Okanagan Chinook Salmon (Oncorhynchus tshawytscha) (2019)
Mahony, A.
Challenger, W.
Robichaud, D.
Wright, H.
Bussanich, R.
Sharma, R.
Enns, J.
2021/018 National Capital Region
Canadian Environmental Protection Act Indirect Human Health Assessment Report on the AquAdvantage® Salmon
Ali, K.
Dugan, S.
2021/043 Pacific
Recovery Potential Assessment for Fraser River Sockeye Salmon (Oncorhynchus nerka) – Nine Designatable Units: Probability of Achieving Recovery Targets - Elements 12, 13, 15, 19-22
Huang, A-M.
Pestal, G.
Guthrie, I.
2021/053 National Capital Region
Environmental and Indirect Human Health Risk Assessment of the AquAdvantage® Salmon
McGowan, C.
Mimeault, C.
Stefanov, I.
Leggatt, R.
Beardall, J.
2021/063 Pacific
Recovery Potential Assessment for 11 Designatable Units of Fraser River Chinook Salmon, Oncorhynchus tshawytscha, Part 1: Elements 1 to 11
Doutaz, D.
Weir, L.
Arbeider, M.
Braun, D.
Jenewein, B.
Rickards, K.
Labelle, M.
Curtis, S.
Mozin, P.
Whitney, C.
Parken, C.
Bailey, R.
2021/065 Newfoundland & Labrador
Status of Atlantic Salmon Populations in Middle Barachois Brook and Robinsons River, Newfoundland in 2018
Porter, R.
2022/016 Gulf
Hydrometeorological conditions for Atlantic salmon rivers in the Maritime provinces
Goguen, Gabriel
Caissie, D.
2022/031 Pacific
Estimates of biological reference points for the Canadian-origin Yukon River mainstem Chinook Salmon (Oncorhynchus tshawytscha) stock aggregate
Connors, B.M.
Bradley, C.A.
Cunningham, C.
Hamazaki, T.
Liller, Z.W.
2022/032 Pacific
Recovery Potential Assessment for 11 Designatable Units of Chinook Salmon, Oncorhynchus tshawytscha, Part 2: Elements 12 to 22
Weir, L.
Doutaz, D.
Arbeider, M.
Holt, K.
Davis, B.
Wor, C.
Jenewein, B.
Dionne, K.
Labelle, M.
Parken, C.
Bailey, R.
Velez-Espino, A.
Holt, C.
2022/050 Gulf
Information on Atlantic Salmon (Salmo salar) from Salmon Fishing Area 15 (Gulf New Brunswick) of relevance to the development of a 2nd COSEWIC status report
Dauphin, G.
2022/051 Pacific
Recovery Potential Assessment for the Endangered Cultus Lake Sockeye Salmon (Oncorhynchus Nerka) (2019)
Selbie, D.T.
Korman, J.
Pon, L.B.
Bradford, M.J.
2022/061 National Capital Region
Review of Antibiotic Resistance Genes (ARGs) in Salmon Aquaculture and Empirical Data on Spatial and Seasonal Trends in the Bay of Fundy
Murphy, G.M.
Robinson, S.M.C.
2022/071 National Capital Region
Sample Design Considerations for a Post-Deposit Monitoring Program for Pesticides and Drugs Discharged from Salmon Net-Pen Farming Operations
Page, F.H.
Haigh, S.P.
O’Flaherty-Sproul, M.P.A.
Wong, D.K.H.
Chang, B.D.
Hamoutene, D.H.
2023/003 Pacific
Recovery Potential Assessment for Fraser River Sockeye Salmon (Oncorhynchus nerka), Nine Designatable Units Part 2: Biology, Habitat, Threats, Mitigations and Allowable Harm - Elements 1-11, 14, 16-18, 22
Doutaz, D.
Huang, A-M.
Decker, S.
Vivian, T.
2023/005 Gulf
Assessment of proposed harvest decision rules for the Atlantic Salmon recreational fishery: Miramichi River case study
Breau, C.
Chaput, G.
2023/006 Gulf
Definition of Upper Stock Reference, Target Reference and Maximum Removal Rate Reference Points for Atlantic Salmon (Salmo salar) of DFO Gulf Region
Chaput, G.
Dauphin, G.
April, J.
Avlijas, S.
Breau, C.
2023/007 Gulf
Information on Atlantic Salmon (Salmo salar) from Salmon Fishing Area 18 (Gulf Nova Scotia) of relevance to the development of a 2nd COSEWIC status report
Daigle, A.
2023/008 Quebec
Information on the Atlantic Salmon (Salmo salar) in Quebec for the Preparation of the Second Status Report by the Committee on the Status of Endangered Wildlife in Canada
April, J.
Bujold, V.
Cauchon, V.
Doucet-Caron, J.
Gagnon, K.
Guérard, M.
Le Breton, S.
Nadeau, V.
Plourde-Lavoie, P.
Bujold, J.-N.
2023/009 Pacific
Guidelines for Defining Limit Reference Points for Pacific Salmon Stock Management Units
Holt, C.A.
Holt, K.
Warkentin, L.
Wor, C.
Connors, B.
Grant, S.
Huang, A-M.
Marentette, J.
2023/010 Pacific
Case Study Applications of LRP Estimation Methods to Pacific Salmon Stock Management Units
Holt, K.R.
Holt, C.A.
Warkentin, L.
Wor, C.
Davis, B.
Arbeider, M.
Bokvist, J.
Crowley, S.
Grant, S.
Luedke, W.
McHugh, D.
Picco, C.
Van Will, P.
2023/026 Newfoundland & Labrador
Pre-COSEWIC Review of Anadromous Atlantic Salmon (Salmo salar) in Canada, Part 1: Designatable Units
Lehnert, S.J.
Bradbury, I.R.
April, J.
Wringe, B.F.
Van Wyngaarden, M.
Bentzen, P.
2023/032 Newfoundland & Labrador
Status of Atlantic Salmon (Salmo salar L.) stocks within the Newfoundland and Labrador Region (Salmon Fishing Areas 1-14B), 2018
Kelly, N.I.
Burke, C.
Van Leeuwen, T.E.
Robertson, M.J.
Bradbury, I.
Dempson, J.B.
Duffy, S.
Poole, R.
Messmer, A.
2023/033 Gulf
Information on Atlantic Salmon (Salmon salar) from Salmon fishing area 16 (Gulf New Brunswick) of relevance to the development of a 2nd COSEWIC report
Douglas, S.
Underhill, K.
Horsman, M.
Chaput, G.
2023/043 Gulf
Information on Atlantic Salmon (Salmo salar) from Salmon Fishing Area 17 (Gulf Prince Edward Island) of relevance to the development of a 2nd COSEWIC status report
Cairns, D.K.
Roloson, S.D.
MacFarlane, R.E.
Guignion, R.E.
2023/071 Maritimes
Potential Exposure Zones for Proposed Newfoundland Marine Finfish Salmon Aquaculture Sites: Initial First Order Triage Scoping Calculations and Consistency Comparisons
Page, F.
Haigh, S.
O’Flaherty-Sproul, M.
2024/049 Maritimes
Updated Information on Atlantic Salmon (Salmo salar) Eastern Cape Breton Populations (ECB; Salmon Fishing Area 19) of Relevance to the Development of a 2nd COSEWIC Status Report
Taylor, A.D.
Raab, D.
Hardie, D.C.
Brunsdon, E.B.
2024/050 Maritimes
Updated Information on Atlantic Salmon (Salmo salar) Populations in Nova Scotia’s Southern Upland (SU; Salmon Fishing Areas 20, 21, and Part of 22) of Relevance to the Development of a 2nd COSEWIC Status Report
Raab, D.
Taylor, A.D.
Hardie, D.C.
Brunsdon, E.B.
2024/051 Maritimes
Updated Information on Atlantic Salmon (Salmo salar) Populations in Southwest New Brunswick (Outer Portion of Salmon Fishing Area 23) of Relevance to the Development of a 2nd COSEWIC Status Report
Reader, J.M.
Hardie, D.C.
McWilliam, S.
Brunsdon, E.B.
Gautreau, M.
2024/057 Maritimes
Updated Information on Atlantic Salmon (Salmo salar) Inner Bay of Fundy Populations (IBoF; part of Salmon Fishing Areas 22 and 23) of Relevance to the Development of a 2nd COSEWIC Status Report
Reader, J.M.
Hardie, D.C.
McWilliam, S.
Brunsdon, E.B.
Notte, D.
Gautreau, M.

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