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CSAS Publications Search Results

32 file(s) found.

Research Documents (1977+)

Number  Region(s)  Title  Author(s)/Contact(s)  
1977/001 Maritimes
The grouping of herring populations in the southern Gulf of St. Lawrence
Ware, D.M.
1977/002 Maritimes
Analysis of stock size and yield of southern Gulf herring
Winters, G.H.
Miller, D.S.
Moores, J.A.
1977/003 Newfoundland & Labrador
Production and yield of western Newfoundland herring stocks
Moores, J.A.
Winters, G.H.
1977/004 Maritimes
Status of capelin (Mallotus villosus) stocks in the Gulf of St. Lawrence
O'Boyle, R.N.
Lett, P.F.
1977/005   Withdrawn
1977/006 Maritimes
ICNAF Division 5Y herring and ICNAF Division 5Z and Statistical Area 6 herring stock assessments
Miller, D.S.
1977/007 Maritimes
A hypothesis concerning the migration and distribution of Atlantic mackerel (Scomber scombrus)
Kulka, D.W.
1977/008 Maritimes
A preliminary discussion of the relationship between population energetics and the management of southern Gulf of St. Lawrence cod
Lett, P.F.
1977/009 Maritimes
Pollock in Divisions 4VWX and Subarea 5
Clark, S.
Burns, T.
Halliday, R.G.
1977/010 Maritimes
Canadian herring fishery in ICNAF Div. 4V
Stobo, W.T.
1977/011 Maritimes
Herring assessment in ICNAF Div. 4WX
Miller, D.S.
Stobo, W.T.
1977/012 Newfoundland & Labrador
Assessment of yield potential of eastern Newfoundland herring stocks
Winters, G.H.
Moores, J.A.
1977/013 Newfoundland & Labrador
A new assessment for the American plaice in ICNAF Subdivision 3Ps
Pitt, T.K.
1977/014 Newfoundland & Labrador
Status of fishery for witch and American plaice in ICNAF Subdivision 3Pn and Divisions 4RS
Pitt, T.K.
1977/015 Newfoundland & Labrador
Status of cod stock in the eastern Gulf of St. Lawrence
Wells, R.
1977/016 Newfoundland & Labrador
Status of the 3Ps cod stock
Bishop, C.A.
1977/017 Newfoundland & Labrador
An analysis of the witch flounder stock of ICNAF Subdivision 3Ps
Bowering, W.R.
1977/018 Quebec
CAFSAC invertebrates & marine plants document # 1 - Background data for CAFSAC Invertebrates and Marine Plants Subcommittee Meeting, Quebec City, 19th April/77
Caddy, J.F.
1977/019 Maritimes
Distribution of squid (Ilex illecebrosus) on the Scotian Shelf 1970-1976
Scott, J.S.
1977/020 Maritimes
Selection of silver hake (Merluccius bilinearis) in Kapron Codends - (A preliminary report)
Clay, D.
1977/021 Quebec
Studies on harp seals of the western North Atlantic population in 1977
Sergeant, D.E.
1977/022 Quebec
A new approach to estimating Harp seal production
Sergeant, D.E.
1977/023 Quebec
Research on hooded seals in the western North Atlantic in 1977
Sergeant, D.E.
1977/024 Maritimes
Critical analysis of two Harp seal population models
Mohn, R.K.
1977/025 Maritimes
A model to determine stock size and management options for the Newfoundland hooded seal stock
Lett, P.F.
1977/026 National Capital Region
Tom Curran's maps of movements of hooded and harp seals on the Front between 1971 and 1976
Curran, T.
Lett, P.F.
1977/027 Central & Arctic
The 1977 census of western Atlantic harp seals (Pagophilus groenlandicus)
Lavigne, D.M.
Innes, S.
Barchard, W.
Doubleday, W.G.
1977/028 Newfoundland & Labrador
Comparison of on-ice counts of harp seal pups with counts from 35 mm ultraviolet aerial photography
Capstick, C.K.
Lavigne, D.M.
Innes, S.
1977/029 Newfoundland & Labrador
Analysis of stock size and yield of Fortune Bay herring
Winters, G.H.
Moores, J.A.
1977/030 Newfoundland & Labrador
Production and yield of the Placentia-St. Mary's herring stock
Moores, J.A.
Winters, G.H.
1977/031 Maritimes
Lobster larvae on the Scotian Shelf
Stasko, A.B.
1977/032 Maritimes
Assessment of Georges Bank (ICNAF Subdivision 5Ze) scallop stock 1972-76 incorporated
Caddy, J.F.
Jamieson, G.

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